双列 Latex 文档第一列顶部的单列表格

双列 Latex 文档第一列顶部的单列表格

我正在使用 Bioinformatics Latex 模板撰写论文。我想在第一列顶部的双栏文档,但第二栏却显示一大片空白。我该如何修复这个错误?

\processtable{Performance of different basic models in cross-validation scenario. The best results for each metric in each sub-ontology are highlighted in bold font. ``NBR" refers to Neighbors.\label{tab:basicmodel_cv}} {
Sub-ontology         & Component              & $F_{\max}$ & AUROC  & AUPR   \\
\multirow{12}{*}{PA} & STRING        & 0.4174          & 0.6073          & 0.2697          \\
                 & GeneMANIA     & 0.3506          & 0.7017          & 0.2604          \\
                 & BioGRID       & 0.3441          & 0.5802          & 0.2677          \\
                 & GO BP         & 0.3777          & 0.6560          & 0.2926          \\
                 & GO CC         & 0.3643          & 0.6396          & 0.2916          \\
                 & GO MF         & 0.3343          & 0.5974          & 0.2403          \\
                 & InterPro      & 0.3588          & 0.5864          & 0.2699          \\
                 & Trigrams      & 0.2941          & 0.5087          & 0.1564          \\
                 & NBR-STRING    & \textbf{0.4213} & \textbf{0.7734} & \textbf{0.3635} \\
                 & NBR-GeneMANIA & 0.4110          & 0.7067          & 0.3550          \\
                 & NBR-BioGRID   & 0.3529          & 0.6273          & 0.2822          \\
                 & Na\"ive       & 0.3517          & 0.5000          & 0.2610          \\
\multirow{12}{*}{CC} & STRING        & 0.5143          & 0.6055          & 0.4125          \\
                 & GeneMANIA     & 0.4847          & 0.6313          & 0.4761          \\
                 & BioGRID       & 0.5036          & 0.5791          & 0.4528          \\
                 & GO BP         & 0.5080          & 0.5929          & 0.4357          \\
                 & GO CC         & 0.4968          & 0.5782          & 0.4357          \\
                 & GO MF         & 0.4678          & 0.5599          & 0.4161          \\
                 & InterPro      & 0.5074          & 0.5661          & 0.4666          \\
                 & Trigrams      & 0.4698          & 0.5154          & 0.3829          \\
                 & NBR-STRING    & \textbf{0.5426} & \textbf{0.6809} & 0.4909          \\
                 & NBR-GeneMANIA & 0.5393          & 0.6435          & 0.4821          \\
                 & NBR-BioGRID   & 0.4849          & 0.5800          & 0.4440          \\
                 & Na\"ive       & 0.4849          & 0.5000          & \textbf{0.4939} \\

