我尝试创建一个动态图,其中节点沿轴线移动。当满足 x 上的条件(X>1.8)时,我需要翻译标签,就像我在以下 MWE 中尝试做的那样
%definition des styles des noeuds
[draw=yellow!40,fill=red!40,circle,minimum size=20]
\tikzstyle{N_date}=[circle, draw=yellow!40, fill=yellow!80,minimum size=20]
\tikzstyle{comment}=[rectangle, rounded corners,minimum size=20]
\tikzstyle{fleche}=[->, dashed,thick]
\foreach \i in {0.1,0.2,...,2.2}
{Futures dynamic}
%x axis
\draw[->, thick] (0,0) -- (10,0);
%S_0 is moving along the axis
\node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$};
\ifdim\i pt<1.8pt\relax
\node [comment] (E1) at (2,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{3$^{rd}$ maturity}};
%4- Noeuds des Forwards cotango
\node [N_date] (FC1) at (2,{ln(2*\FactorOne)}) {\small{$F_1$}};
\node [N_date] (FC2) at (5,{ln(5*\FactorOne)}) {\small{$F_2$}};
\node [N_date] (FC3) at (8,{ln(8*\FactorOne)}){\small{$F_3$}};
\draw [fleche] (FC1) to [bend left=45] (FC2);
\draw [fleche] (FC2) to [bend left=45] (FC3);
\draw [fleche] (Start) to [bend left=45] (FC1);
\ifdim\i pt>=1.8pt\relax
% \node [comment] (E1) at (2,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
%4- Noeuds des Forwards cotango
% \node [N_date] (FC1) at (2,{ln(2*\FactorOne)}) {\small{$F_1$}};
\node [N_date] (FC2) at (5,{ln(5*\FactorOne)}) {\small{$F_1$}};
\node [N_date] (FC3) at (8,{ln(8*\FactorOne)}){\small{$F_2$}};
% \draw [fleche] (FC1) to [bend left=45] (FC2);
\draw [fleche] (FC2) to [bend left=45] (FC3);
\draw [fleche] (Start) to [bend left=45] (FC2);
当 S_0 接近 F_1 时,F_1 消失,F_2 变成 F_1,F_3 变成 F_2。回到初始图表。
根据@marmot 解决方案,这里是更新的代码,但我仍然错过 F_2 变成 F_1、F_3 变成 F_2。
%definition des styles des noeuds
D0/.style={draw=red,fill=red!40,circle,minimum size=20},
N_date/.style={circle, draw=yellow!40, fill=yellow!80,minimum size=20},
comment/.style={rectangle, fill=blue!40,rounded corners,minimum size=20},
jump/.style={insert path={ edge[bend left=45,fleche]
(-1+#1*3,{ln((-1+#1*3)*\FactorOne)+\modifRand}) node[N_date] (F-#1)
{\small{$F_{{#1}}$}} (F-#1) }}}
\foreach \i in {0.3,0.6,...,8.0}
{Futures dynamic}
%x axis
\draw[gray!80,->, thick] (0,0) -- (10,0);
%S_0 is moving along the axis
\ifdim\i pt<1.8pt\relax
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$} [jump/.list={1,2,3}];
\node [comment] (E1) at (2,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{3$^{rd}$ maturity}};
\ifdim\i pt<4.8pt\relax
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$} [jump/.list={2,3}];
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$} [jump=3];
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
%definition des styles des noeuds
D0/.style={draw=red,fill=red!40,circle,minimum size=20},
N_date/.style={circle, draw=yellow!40, fill=yellow!80,minimum size=20},
comment/.style={rectangle, fill=blue!40,rounded corners,minimum size=20},
jump/.style args={#1|#2}{insert path={ edge[bend left=45,fleche]
(-1+#1*3,{ln((-1+#1*3)*\FactorOne)+\modifRand}) node[N_date,font=\small] (F-#1)
{$F_{{#2}}$} (F-#1) }}}
\foreach \i in {0.3,0.6,...,8.0}
{Futures dynamic}
%x axis
\draw[gray!80,->, thick] (0,0) -- (10,0);
%S_0 is moving along the axis
\ifdim\i pt<1.8pt\relax
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$}
\node [comment] (E1) at (2,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{3$^{rd}$ maturity}};
\ifdim\i pt<4.8pt\relax
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$}
\node [comment] (E2) at (5,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{2$^{nd}$ maturity}};
\draw[fleche] node [D0] (Start) at (\i,0) {$S_0$} [jump=3|1];
\node [comment] (E3) at (8,5) {\small{1$^{st}$ maturity}};