我确实明白缺失数字的错误出在哪里:Missing number, treated as zero. \end{tabulary}
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
\usepackage{soul} % for strikethrought
\usepackage{xcolor} % for highlighting
\usepackage{booktabs} % for rules within a table
\usepackage{tabulary} % for tables with long lines
\subsection{Basic HTML Table}
\begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{ C C C }
\textbf{Firstname} & \textbf{Lastname} & \textbf{Age} \\
Jill & Smith & 50 \\
Eve & Jackson & 94 \\
John & Doe & 80 \\
%second table
Table with mulitple cols \hl{in the header}:
\begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{ C C C }
\textbf{Name} & \multicolumn{2}{ C }{\textbf{Telephone}} \\
Bill Gates & 55577854 & 55577855 \\
有什么想法吗?如果我删除第一个表,整个事情会变得更糟,因为它会报告Undefined control sequence. \end{tabulary}