表格,左边是 Tikz 图片,右边是文本:如何垂直对齐?

表格,左边是 Tikz 图片,右边是文本:如何垂直对齐?

我想要一个表格,左列是 tikzpictures,右列是说明性注释。我可以做些什么来改善以下示例中行内容的垂直对齐?直观地说,图片和文本都应该对齐到顶部。

Column title & Column title 
\tkzDefPoint(-5, 0){B}
\tkzDrawSegments(A,B B,C A,C)
This looks really bad. What can I do to improve the alignment of the text?
\tkzDefPoint(-7, 4){A}
\tkzDefPoint(-5, 0){B}
\tkzDefPoint(-3, 2){C}
\tkzDrawSegments(A,B B,C A,C)
Flipping it vertically does not help either. How can I improve the format?


使用baseline=(current bounding box.north)astikzpicture选项应该有帮助:


Column title & Column title
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,baseline={([yshift=-1.8ex]current bounding box.north)}]
\tkzDefPoint(-5, 0){B}
\tkzDrawSegments(A,B B,C A,C)
This looks really bad. What can I do to improve the alignment of the text?
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,baseline={([yshift=-1.8ex]current bounding box.north)}]
\tkzDefPoint(-7, 4){A}
\tkzDefPoint(-5, 0){B}
\tkzDefPoint(-3, 2){C}
\tkzDrawSegments(A,B B,C A,C)
Flipping it vertically does not help either. How can I improve the format?
