如何使用 parskip 布局左边距和项目符号

如何使用 parskip 布局左边距和项目符号

技术手册中有一个相当典型的布局样式,其中标题是编号的并且左对齐。然后文本缩进约 1cm,这样看起来好像有一个较大的左边距,并且标题中的数字延伸到这个边距。我从一个名为的软件包获得了基本支持,parskip它让我完成了 95% 的工作。


我想要有项目符号,这就是挑战。项目符号应该比段落稍微缩进一点。我通过以下左边距设置成功实现了这一点(请注意,顶层有额外的 1cm 以使其位于段落下方):




问题是我还有一些称为“注释”的框,其中包含文本,也包含项目符号。在注释中使用时,我不希望额外移动 1 厘米。请注意此示例中项目符号的缩进程度过大:







\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Arial}
\deffootnote{1.5em}{1em}{% modified example from page 83


\usepackage[inner=1in,outer=1in,top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, footnotesep=.4in]{geometry}

%Page size settings

%parskip gives us outdented headers with numbers, no indent on paragraphs
%and a little vertical space between paragraphs.


%control whether extra vertical space is distributed between paragraphs
%either raggedbottom or flushbottom



%make more space between lines




   {\begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=notecolor,width=0.94\textwidth,left=1pt,right=1pt] Note: }%




\chapter{This is a chapter heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\section{Section Heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\subsection{Subsection Heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.


\item first item

\item second item


\item first nested

\item second nested


\item third item


This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\subsection{This is the second subsection}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.


This is a note and below some bullets


\item first item

\item second item


\item first nested

\item second nested


\item third item



This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.



您可以在定义内部局部设置 itemize 的缩进note



\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Arial}
\deffootnote{1.5em}{1em}{% modified example from page 83


\usepackage[inner=1in,outer=1in,top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, footnotesep=.4in]{geometry}

%Page size settings

%parskip gives us outdented headers with numbers, no indent on paragraphs
%and a little vertical space between paragraphs.


%control whether extra vertical space is distributed between paragraphs
%either raggedbottom or flushbottom



%make more space between lines




    \setlist[itemize,1]{leftmargin=.4cm}% <-- HERE
     Note: }%




\chapter{This is a chapter heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\section{Section Heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\subsection{Subsection Heading}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.


\item first item

\item second item


\item first nested

\item second nested


\item third item


This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.

\subsection{This is the second subsection}

This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.


This is a note and below some bullets


\item first item

\item second item


\item first nested

\item second nested


\item third item



This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.  This is a block of normal text long enough to wrap a couple of times in the output.


\item first item

\item second item


\item first nested

\item second nested


\item third item



