引用 @misc 网站,不带年份

引用 @misc 网站,不带年份

我想引用一些网站(一些组织网站,如 NOAA 等),但我不想显示任何年份。这就是我所做的:



  author = "{PANGAEA}",    
  title = "{PANGAEA}. {Data} Publisher for {Earth \& Environmental Science}",    
  year = "2019",   
  url = "https://www.pangaea.de",    
  note = "[Online; last accessed January 2019]"  
  author = "{NOAA NCDC Paleoclimate}", 
  title = "Paleoclimatology Data, {National} Climatic Data Center,
     {National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration}",    
  year = "2019",   
  url = "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/paleoclimatology-data",  
  note = "[Online; last accessed January 2019]"  

%\documentclass[natbib,fleqn,smallextended]{svjour3} %
% %Author list
\usepackage[noblocks,auth-lg]{authblk} % %
\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % for upright CO2 
\usepackage{floatrow} %\usepackage{tabularx}%modifiable tabular
\usepackage{graphbox}%change float alignments 
% %setting spacing
\doublespacing %\singlespacing %\onehalfspacing
%For other sizes use the \setstretch command like this:
\usepackage[vmargin=1in, hmargin=0.8in]{geometry} 
%line Numbers 
\linenumbers*[1] %to set numbering format 

\usepackage{amssymb} %for deg
\usepackage{gensymb} %for permil 
\usepackage{wasysym} % Headers and Footers 
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % for rotating floats
\usepackage{lscape} %for subfigures and tables
\usepackage[font=footnotesize]{subfig} %automatic referencing







修改后的 MWE:


  author = "{PANGAEA}",    
  title  = "{PANGAEA}. {Data} Publisher for {Earth~\& Environmental Science}",    
  year   = "2019",   
  url    = "https://www.pangaea.de",    
  note   = "[Online; last accessed 22 January 2019]"  
  author = "{NOAA NCDC Paleoclimate}", 
  title  = "Paleoclimatology Data, {National Climatic Data Center},
            {National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration}",    
  year   = "2019",   
  url    = "https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/paleoclimatology-data",  
  note   = "[Online; last accessed 22 January 2019]"  

%\documentclass[natbib,fleqn,smallextended]{svjour3} % 
%%Author list
\usepackage[noblocks,auth-lg]{authblk} % %
\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % for upright CO2 
%\usepackage{tabularx}%modifiable tabular
\usepackage{graphbox}%change float alignments 
%% set spacing
%\doublespacing %
\singlespacing %\onehalfspacing
% For other sizes use the \setstretch command like this:
% \setstretch{1.8} 

%% Citation aliases without years

\usepackage[vmargin=1in, hmargin=0.8in]{geometry} 
%Show Line Numbers 
\linenumbers*[1] %to set numbering format 

\usepackage{amssymb} %for deg
\usepackage{gensymb} %for permil 
% Headers and Footers 
% for rotating floats
%for subfigures and tables


\verb+\citep+: \citep{ncdcpc,pngea} 

\verb+\citepalias+: \citepalias{ncdcpc,pngea}

