

我正在使用‘article’ 包在 R 中,它允许根据预先指定的模板构建 R markdown 文档以供期刊提交。模板为 .tex 格式,如图所示,我使用的是 PLOS 模板。但是,我无法从上标中删除空格。红色圆圈


    % Template for PLoS
% Version 3.4 January 2017

% amsmath and amssymb packages, useful for mathematical formulas and symbols

% Use adjustwidth environment to exceed column width (see example table in text)

% Use Unicode characters when possible

% textcomp package and marvosym package for additional characters

% cite package, to clean up citations in the main text. Do not remove.
% \usepackage{cite}

% Use nameref to cite supporting information files (see Supporting Information section for more info)

% line numbers

% ligatures disabled
\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = *, family = * }

% color can be used to apply background shading to table cells only

% array package and thick rules for tables

% create "+" rule type for thick vertical lines
\newcolumntype{+}{!{\vrule width 2pt}}

% create \thickcline for thick horizontal lines of variable length
  \noalign{\global\savedwidth\arrayrulewidth\global\arrayrulewidth 2pt}%

% \thickhline command for thick horizontal lines that span the table
\newcommand\thickhline{\noalign{\global\savedwidth\arrayrulewidth\global\arrayrulewidth 2pt}%

% Remove comment for double spacing

% Text layout
\textwidth 5.25in
\textheight 8.75in

% Bold the 'Figure #' in the caption and separate it from the title/caption with a period
% Captions will be left justified

% Use the PLoS provided BiBTeX style
% \bibliographystyle{plos2015}

% Remove brackets from numbering in List of References

% Leave date blank

% Header and Footer with logo
\renewcommand{\footrule}{\hrule height 2pt \vspace{2mm}}
\lfoot{\sf PLOS}

%% Include all macros below
\newcommand{\lorem}{{\bf LOREM}}
\newcommand{\ipsum}{{\bf IPSUM}}









% Title must be 250 characters or less.
\textbf\newline{$title$} % Please use "sentence case" for title and headings (capitalize only the first word in a title (or heading), the first word in a subtitle (or subheading), and any proper nouns).
$author.name$\textsuperscript{$for(author.affiliation)$\getAff{$author.affiliation$}$sep$, $endfor$}$if(author.corresponding)$\textsuperscript{*}$endif$$sep$,
* Corresponding author: $author.email$\\
% Please keep the abstract below 300 words

% Please keep the Author Summary between 150 and 200 words
% Use first person. PLOS ONE authors please skip this step.
% Author Summary not valid for PLOS ONE submissions.
\section*{Author summary}


% Use "Eq" instead of "Equation" for equation citations.







由于没有 MWE 可以尝试,我只能猜测,您在\getAff和的定义中引入了不需要的空格。 您可以通过在行尾\getIndex添加来摆脱它:%

\newcommand{\getAff}[1]{% <-- HERE
\getIndex{#1}{$for(address)$$address.code$$sep$,$endfor$}% <-- HERE

\newcommand{\getIndex}[2]{% <-- HERE
  \ForEach{,}{\IfEq{#1}{\thislevelitem}{\number\thislevelcount\ExitForEach}{}}{#2}% <-- HERE

