有人能帮助对方程式中的 \overset 或 \underset 进行编号吗?
由于变量太多,我需要在方程中某些变量的上方/下方添加数字。方程很长。我考虑使用计数器自动对方程中的变量进行编号。我尝试了以下代码,但似乎 \overset 和 \underset 与方程的标签冲突。
Package amsmath Error: Multiple \label's: label 'Eq1' will be lost. Y & = \overset{\dln{aaa}}{\boxed{a}}
Here is the equation:\\
\begin{equation}\label{Eq1} % I need the Eq. number
\begin{aligned} % I need the aligned equation
Y & = \overset{\dln{aaa}}{\boxed{a}} x_1 \\ % I need the aaa to be auto numbered
& + \underset{2}{\boxed{b}} x_2 % I need the bbb to be auto numbered
Here is how to refer \dln{aaa}. % I need to refer the number indexed by aaa
Here is the equation:% never \\ at and of paragraph
\begin{equation}\label{Eq1} % I need the Eq. number
\begin{aligned} % I need the aligned equation
Y & = \overset{\dln{aaa}}{\boxed{a}} x_1 \\ % I need the aaa to be auto numbered
& + \underset{\dln{bbb}}{\boxed{b}} x_2 % I need the bbb to be auto numbered
Here is how to refer aaa: \ref{aaa}. % I need to refer the number indexed by aaa
Here is how to refer bbb: \ref{bbb}. % I need to refer the number indexed by aaa