

SABCD为一个金字塔,SA垂直于平面ABC,金字塔的底面为矩形,SA=hAB=aAD=b。一个PA并垂直于 的平面分别在,,处与、、SC交线。我用三种方法试了一下。SBSDSCEFK



    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (B) at (\a,0,0)
    coordinate (C) at (\a,\b,0) 
    coordinate (D) at (0,\b,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (0,0,\h)
    coordinate (E) at ({\a*\h^2/(\a^2+\h^2)}, 0, {\a^2*\h/(\a^2+\h^2)})
    coordinate (F) at (0, {\b*\h^2/(\b^2+\h^2)}, {\b^2*\h/(\b^2+\h^2)})
    coordinate (K) at ({\a*\h^2/(\a^2+\b^2+\h^2)}, {\b*\h^2/(\a^2+\b^2+\h^2)}, {(\a^2+\b^2)*\h/(\a^2+\b^2+\h^2)});              

\draw [dashed, thick, name path=B--D] (B) -- (D);
\draw [dashed, thick, name path=C--A] (C) -- (A);
\path [name intersections={of=B--D and C--A,by=O}];

\draw [dashed, thick, name path=S--O] (S) -- (O);
\draw [dashed, thick, name path=E--F] (E) -- (F);
\path [name intersections={of=S--O and E--F,by=I}];

    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (A) -- (B)   (D)--(A) (S)--(A);
    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (E) --(A)  -- (F);
    \draw[ultra thick]
    (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D)--cycle (S)--(C) (E) -- (K) --(F);
    \draw [thick, dashed] (A) -- (K)  (E) -- (F) ;

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,B/below,C/below,S/above,D/right,E/left,D/right,F/right,K/above right,O/below,I/below}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};




    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

\tikzset{projection of point/.style args={(#1,#2,#3) on line through (#4,#5,#6)
        and (#7,#8,#9)}{%
        insert path={%



 % definitions
 coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
 coordinate (B) at (\a,0,0)
 coordinate (C) at (\a,\b,0) 
 coordinate (D) at (0,\b,0)                            
 coordinate (S) at (0,0,\h);   

 \path[projection of point={(0,0,0) on line through (\a,0,0) and  (0,0,\h)}]
 coordinate (E)
 [projection of point={(0,0,0) on line through (0,0,\h) and (0,\b,0) }]
 coordinate (F)
 [projection of point={(0,0,0) on line through (0,0,\h) and (\a,\b,0) }]
 coordinate (K);           

 \draw [dashed, thick, name path=B--D] (B) -- (D);
 \draw [dashed, thick, name path=C--A] (C) -- (A);
 \path [name intersections={of=B--D and C--A,by=O}];

 \draw [dashed, thick, name path=S--O] (S) -- (O);
 \draw [dashed, thick, name path=E--F] (E) -- (F);
 \path [name intersections={of=S--O and E--F,by=I}];

 \draw[dashed, thick]
 (A) -- (B)   (D)--(A) (S)--(A);
 \draw[dashed, thick]
 (E) --(A)  -- (F);
 \draw[ultra thick]
 (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D)--cycle (S)--(C) (E) -- (K) --(F);
  \draw [thick, dashed] (A) -- (K)  (E) -- (F) ;


  \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,B/below,C/below,S/above,D/right,E/left,D/right,F/right,K/above right,O/below,I/below}
    \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
    \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};



第三条道路 根据答案是否有命令可以找到平面上某个点的投影坐标?


%% smuggling from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/470979/121799
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.style args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
            \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
            \typeout{Plane\space and\space line\space are\space parallel!\ltest}
        insert path={%


    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (B) at (\a,0,0)
    coordinate (C) at (\a,\b,0) 
    coordinate (D) at (0,\b,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (0,0,\h);                
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and (\a,0,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (E)
    [intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and  (0,\b,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (F)
    [intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and  (\a,\b,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (K);

    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (A) -- (B)   (D)--(A) (S)--(A);
    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (E) --(A)  -- (F);
    \draw[ultra thick]
    (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D)--cycle (S)--(C);

    \draw [thick, dashed] (A) -- (K) (A) -- (C) (B) -- (D) (E) -- (F) ;
    \draw [thick] (E) -- (K) -- (F) ;

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,B/below,C/below,S/above,D/right,E/left,D/right,F/right,K/above right}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};


我有 在此处输入图片描述



%% smuggling from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/470979/121799
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

% the line is given by \vec x = \vec \ell_0 + t \vec \ell
% the points in the plane fulfill (\vec P_0 - \vec x)\cdot\vec n =0
% inserting the line equation in the plane equation gives
% (\vec Q - \vec \ell_0 - d \vec \ell)\cdot \vec n = 0
% solving for d yields 
% d = (\vec Q \cdot \vec n - \vec \ell_0\cdot\vec n)/(\vec\ell\cdot \vec n)  
% in the macro \vec \ell_0 = #1 , \vec \ell = #2 - #1
% #3 : \vec Q and #4 : \vec n
% so d=(#3.#4-#1.#4)/(#2.#4-#1.#4) 
% and \vec P = \vec \ell_0 + d * \vec \ell = #1 + d * (#2-#1)
\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.style args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
            \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
            \typeout{Plane\space and\space line\space are\space parallel!\ltest}
        insert path={%


    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (B) at (\a,0,0)
    coordinate (C) at (\a,\b,0) 
    coordinate (D) at (0,\b,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (0,0,\h);                
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and (\a,0,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (E)
    [intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and  (0,\b,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (F)
    [intersection of line trough={(0,0,\h) and  (\a,\b,0) with plane containing (0,0,0) and normal (\a,\b,-\h)}]  coordinate (K);

    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (A) -- (B)   (D)--(A) (S)--(A);
    \draw[dashed, thick]
    (E) --(A)  -- (F);
    \draw[ultra thick]
    (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D)--cycle (S)--(C);

    \draw [thick, dashed] (A) -- (K) (A) -- (C) (B) -- (D) (E) -- (F) ;
    \draw [thick] (E) -- (K) -- (F) ;

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,B/below,C/below,S/above,D/right,E/left,D/right,F/right,K/above right}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=3pt] at (\point) {$\point$};



