无法将 .eps 图形放入 ACM 模板中

无法将 .eps 图形放入 ACM 模板中

我试图将 eps 图形放入 ACM 模板中,但图形没有出现(虽然 png 图形可以正常工作)。当我更改

.8\linewidth 改为 .4\linewidth



% defining the \BibTeX command - from Oren Patashnik's original BibTeX documentation.
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08emT\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}

% Rights management information. 
% This information is sent to you when you complete the rights form.
% These commands have SAMPLE values in them; it is your responsibility as an author to replace
% the commands and values with those provided to you when you complete the rights form.
% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper.
\acmConference[CPS-SR '19]{CPS-SR '19: Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week}{April 15--19, 2019}{Montreal, Canada}
\acmBooktitle{CPS-SR '19: 2$^\text{nd}$ Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Resilience, April 15--19, 2019, Montreal, Canada}

\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, color, enumerate, amsthm, graphicx}
\usepackage{tikz, subcaption}
\usepackage{color, xcolor, soul, bm}
    colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
    urlcolor     = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
    linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
    citecolor   = green %Colour of citations


%\newcommand{\ShS}[1]{$\clubsuit$\footnote{SHREYAS: #1}}
%\newcommand{\mathcolorbox}[2]{\colorbox{#1}{$\displaystyle #2$}}


% These commands are for a JOURNAL article.

% Submission ID. 
% Use this when submitting an article to a sponsored event. You'll receive a unique submission ID from the organizers
% of the event, and this ID should be used as the parameter to this command.

% The majority of ACM publications use numbered citations and references. If you are preparing content for an event
% sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, you must use the "author year" style of citations and references. Uncommenting
% the next command will enable that style.

% end of the preamble, start of the body of the document source.
        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=\textheight, keepaspectratio]{images/undirected_f2_1.eps}
        \caption{General view}
        \label{fig: f2a}
        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=\textheight, keepaspectratio]{images/undirected_f2_2.eps}
        \caption{Attacker view}
        \label{fig: f2b}
        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=\textheight, keepaspectratio]{images/undirected_f2_3.eps}
        \caption{Detector view}
        \label{fig: f2c}
    \caption{Game values and NE for a weighted undirected platoon with 5 vehicles and $f = 2$}
    \label{fig: f2}


