,这意味着我不能使用它来防止在节中间出现分页符。有没有其他方法可以创建换行符,同时禁止在同一位置出现分页符?最好是设置,而不是在每一行末尾添加一些内容 - 但不管怎样,都行。
Some text.
\vspace{15cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\
The end\\-
不确定这是否足够,但它可以通过增加页面来避免出现 1 行寡妇\baselineskip
“修复”通过重新定义 来实现这一点\poem@endpart
,这是通过 调用的\\*
以下 MWE 演示了在第 1 页上使用\\*
,但不在第 2 页上使用(第 3 页换行)。
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\*
The end\\-
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\
The end\\-
在 之前立即发出\\
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\clearpage\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\
The end\\-
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\
The end\\-
这次尝试尝试修改 的使用,\\
为以 开头\nopagebreak
,这样就不会在这样的行上发生中断。但是,需要在宏中的 实例之后\nopagebreak
添加额外的 实例,以防止在行号之后(但在诗行之前)出现分页符。我不认为我全部都得到了,但足以展示 OP 的 MWE 中的效果。\placelineno
\advance\poemlineno by1%
\advance\vslineno by1%
\hbox to\poem@linenumboxwd{%
\hbox to\poem@linenumboxwd{%
\llap{\tlap{\hbox to\poem@linenumboxwd{\hfil}}}%
\llap{\tlap{\hbox to\poem@linenumboxwd{\hfil}}}%
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\*
The end\\-
Some text.
\vspace{16.2cm} % Force poem down page
Some poetry\\
A metaphor here,\\
A metaphor there.\\!
Here begins another stanza\\
More words.\\!
The final stanza\\
A final metaphor\\
The end\\-