有人知道为什么我的最后一个节点在移动吗?我正在尝试覆盖,如这个帖子。 非常感谢!
% Vectors
\begin{tikzpicture} [nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum width=0.7cm, minimum height=0.7cm}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
\matrix(vector)[matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement=\&, row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, minimum width=0.3cm}}, nodes={draw}] {
\scriptsize{0} \& \scriptsize{1} \& \scriptsize{2} \& \scriptsize{3} \& \scriptsize{4} \& \scriptsize{5} \& \scriptsize{6} \& \scriptsize{7} \& \scriptsize{8} \& \scriptsize{9} \& \scriptsize{10}
\only<1>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| G \& C\& A \& T \& C \& G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<2>{\\ G \& |[fill=red!70]| C\& A \& T \& C \& G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<3>{\\ G \& C\& |[fill=red!70]| A \& T \& C \& G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<4>{\\ G \& C\& A \& |[fill=red!70]| T \& C \& G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<5>{\\ G \& C\& A \& |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<6>{\\ G \& C\& A \& |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<7>{\\ G \& C\& A \& |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& A \& G \& T \& A}
\only<8>{\\ G \& C\& A \& |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| A \& G \& T \& A}\\
\begin{tikzpicture} [nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum width=0.7cm, minimum height=0.7cm}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
\matrix(vector)[matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement=\&, row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, text width=0.3cm}}, nodes={draw}] {
\& \& \& \& \&
\only<1>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& C \& G \& C \& A}
\only<2>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& C \& G \& C \& A}
\only<3>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& C \& G \& C \& A}
\only<4>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& C \& G \& C \& A}
\only<5>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& G \& C \& A}
\only<6>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& C \& A}
\only<7>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& A}
\only<8>{\\ |[fill=red!70]| T \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| G \& |[fill=red!70]| C \& |[fill=red!70]| A}\\
% Vectors
\begin{tikzpicture} [nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum width=0.7cm, minimum height=0.7cm}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
\matrix(vector)[matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement=\&, row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, minimum width=0.3cm}}, nodes={draw}] {
\scriptsize{0} \& \scriptsize{1} \& \scriptsize{2} \& \scriptsize{3} \& \scriptsize{4} \& \scriptsize{5} \& \scriptsize{6} \& \scriptsize{7} \& \scriptsize{8} \& \scriptsize{9} \& \scriptsize{10}
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<1>]| G \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<2>]| C \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<3>]| A \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<4-8>]| T \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<5-8>]| C \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<6-8>]| G \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<7-8>]| C \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<8>]| A \& G \& T \& A
\begin{tikzpicture} [nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum width=0.7cm, minimum height=0.7cm}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
\matrix(vector)[matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement=\&, row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, text width=0.3cm}}, nodes={draw}] {
\& \& \& \& \& \\
|[fill=red!70]| T \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<5-8>]| C \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<6-8>]| G \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<7-8>]| C \&
|[fill=red!70,fill on=<8>]| A \\
% Vectors
\begin{tikzpicture} [nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum width=0.7cm,
minimum height=0.7cm}, row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column
my mat/.style={matrix of nodes, ampersand replacement=\&,
row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, minimum width=0.3cm}},
row 2/.style={nodes={draw,fill=red!70}}}]
\matrix(vector1)[my mat,row 1/.append style={font=\scriptsize}] {
0 \& 1 \& 2 \& 3 \& 4 \& 5 \& 6 \& 7 \& 8 \& 9 \& 10 \\
|[fill on=<1>]| G \&
|[fill on=<2>]| C \&
|[fill on=<3>]| A \&
|[fill on=<4-8>]| T \&
|[fill on=<5-8>]| C \&
|[fill on=<6-8>]| G \&
|[fill on=<7-8>]| C \&
|[fill on=<8>]| A \&
|[fill=white]| G \&
|[fill=white]|T \&
\matrix(vector2)[my mat,below=1mm of vector1] {
\& \& \& \& \& \\
|[fill on=<4-8>]| T \&
|[fill on=<5-8>]| C \&
|[fill on=<6-8>]| G \&
|[fill on=<7-8>]| C \&
|[fill on=<8>]| A \\