Tikz 日历月份标签未出现

Tikz 日历月份标签未出现


\usepackage[margin = 2.5cm, a4paper]{geometry}
\setmainfont{Alegreya Sans}

\def\pgfcalendarmonthname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Janeiro\or Fevereiro\or Março\or Abril\or Maio\or Junho\or Julho\or Agosto\or Setembro\or Outubro\or Novembro\or Dezembro\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarmonthshortname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Jan\or Fev\or Mar\or Abr\or Mai\or Jun\or Jul\or Ago\or Set\or Out\or Nov\or Dez\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarweekdayshortname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Seg\or Ter\or Qua\or Qui\or Sex\or Sab\or Dom\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarweekdayname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Segunda\or Terça\or Quarta\or Quinta\or Sexta\or Sábado\or Domingo\fi} }

\tikzstyle{xis}=[cross out, draw,thick,draw=red!50,very thick]

[every day/.style={anchor=mid},every node/.style={inner sep=2pt,rectangle,thick},gray]
\calendar (cal) [dates=2019-02-22 to 2019-06-14, 
%month list, 
%month label left,%
week list,%
month label above centered,%
month text=\textcolor{black}{\%mt},
%every month/.append style={anchor=base east, 
month yshift=2em,
every month/.append style={yshift=-5em,xshift=-8em}
%if (Tuesday) [black]
%if (Friday) [black]
if (Sunday) [red]
if (Saturday) [blue]
if (Friday) [black,nodes={thick,draw=red!50}]
if (equals=2019-03-15) [nodes={cross out,draw,very thick}]
if (equals=2019-04-19) [nodes={cross out,draw,very thick}]


\tikz[baseline=-3pt] \node[xis] at (0,0) {15/03};~~~Semana dos calouros


\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{ \node[xis] (char) at (0,0) {19/04};}~~~ Sexta-Feira Santa

%don't know which baseline is better, left both options



every month/.append style={yshift=-5em,xshift=-8em}




\usepackage[margin = 2.5cm, a4paper]{geometry}
%\setmainfont{Alegreya Sans}

\def\pgfcalendarmonthname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Janeiro\or Fevereiro\or Março\or Abril\or Maio\or Junho\or Julho\or Agosto\or Setembro\or Outubro\or Novembro\or Dezembro\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarmonthshortname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Jan\or Fev\or Mar\or Abr\or Mai\or Jun\or Jul\or Ago\or Set\or Out\or Nov\or Dez\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarweekdayshortname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Seg\or Ter\or Qua\or Qui\or Sex\or Sab\or Dom\fi} }

\def\pgfcalendarweekdayname#1{ \translate{\ifcase#1\or Segunda\or Terça\or Quarta\or Quinta\or Sexta\or Sábado\or Domingo\fi} }

\tikzstyle{xis}=[cross out, draw,thick,draw=red!50,very thick]

[every day/.style={anchor=mid},every node/.style={inner sep=2pt,rectangle,thick},gray,
\calendar (cal) [dates=2019-02-22 to 2019-06-14, 
%month list, 
%month label left,%
week list,%
month label above centered,%
month text=\textcolor{black}{\%mt},
%every month/.append style={anchor=base east, 
month yshift=2em,
every month/.append style={yshift=-5em,xshift=-8em},
execute at begin day scope=
        \node at (-8em,0em) [anchor=base east] {\small\tikzmonthtext};
%if (Tuesday) [black]
%if (Friday) [black]
if (Sunday) [red]
if (Saturday) [blue]
if (Friday) [black,nodes={thick,draw=red!50}]
if (equals=2019-03-15) [nodes={cross out,draw,very thick}]
if (equals=2019-04-19) [nodes={cross out,draw,very thick}]


\tikz[baseline=-3pt] \node[xis] at (0,0) {15/03};~~~Semana dos calouros


\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{ \node[xis] (char) at (0,0) {19/04};}~~~ Sexta-Feira Santa

%don't know which baseline is better, left both options


