操纵目录样式来模拟示例。Hyperref 问题

操纵目录样式来模拟示例。Hyperref 问题


我解决了大部分原始问题,因此我正在重写这个问题,它本质上仍然是相同的,但现在我可以发布更好的 MWE。



这是独立的 MWE:(请记住它有点长,因为问题的一部分是包交互,所以我需要将它们全部包含在它们的设置中,以确保任何潜在的解决方案都能避免包冲突)。

\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}% Use this to provide intra-pdf hyperlinking and better toc
                                  % linktoc=all used to extend the hyperlink across the dotted lines.... in theory.
\hypersetup{%               % Setup the coloring of the links. 
%                           % Currently the only necessary one is "colorlinks=true" and "linkcolor=blue".
    colorlinks   = true,    % Colours links instead of ugly boxes
    urlcolor     = blue,    % Colour for external hyperlinks
    linkcolor    = blue,    % Colour of internal links
    citecolor    = blue     % Colour of citations, could be ``red''

\usepackage{titlesec}% Use this to manipulate default chapter styling

\doublespacing% Make everything double spaced by default.
\preto\longtable{\par\singlespacing}% Pre-append using longtables to make sure that tables are single spaced.
\preto\itemize{\par\singlespacing}% Pre-append singlespace to itemize to account for single space bullet point lists.

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}%


\renewcommand\cftchapfont{\normalfont}%         Remove Bold font from TOC
\renewcommand\cftchappagefont{\normalfont}%     Remove Bold font from TOC
\renewcommand\cftpartfont{\normalfont}%         Remove Bold font from TOC
\renewcommand\cftpartpagefont{\normalfont}%     Remove Bold font from TOC
\def\cftchapleader{\hyperlink{\mylabel}{\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}}}% Add in the dotted lines between the name and page number in TOC

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}% We don't want chapter numbers until later, 
                            % So let's kill off the table of contents depth detector until we want to start counting.

Some dedication stuff goes here.


Some Acknowledgements Text here.


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}{}{\@currentHref}}

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}{}{\@currentHref}}


Some Abbreviation text would go here.


Some Abstract text goes here.

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}% Now we want toc numbering.

\chapter{First real chapter}
Some intro or something else here

\section{A `section', toc should be indented some.}

Some section info.

\subsection{A `subsection', toc should be indented even more.}

\chapter{Second real chapter}
More text here.

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}% We don't want the Appendix to have a number, but it should be linked.

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}% Now we number again.




需要明确的是,我感兴趣的具体行是,\def\cftchapleader{\hyperlink{\mylabel}{\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}}}%这是我最后一次尝试使用\hyperlinkhyperref 包中的点链接到正确的位置。但即使尝试更新\mylabel每个部分似乎也无法正确形成链接, 也是如此\@currentHref。我怀疑这是一个扩展问题,因为实际的 ToC 形成时间与标签和事物形成时间有关。




您可以删除所有超目标和 \mylabel 定义等。
