




以下是我的情况的 MWE。



\reporttitle{My Title}
    \coursename{Course Name}
    \instructorname{Instructor Name}


    \section{Section 1}
    \newpage\section{Section 2}



\lhead{\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{./logos/logo.pdf}} % Set image at top of the page




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%--------------------- Packages ------------------------

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\RequirePackage{siunitx} % Scientific notation
\RequirePackage{float} % Images formatting
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% Package for nice tables
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%Package for labelling matrix rows and columns

% Package to adjust labelled matrices

% Page configuration

%Package to modify chapter header
%Color for sections head

%MATLAB command

%Typesetting a MATLAB code
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% Per-section figure, equation, table and lstlisting numbering

% Package for references with numbers

% Set graphics path

%-------------- Define command for missing figures ------------
}% End of command

%-------------------- Report information ----------------------

\newcommand{\reportauthor}[3]{\renewcommand{\reportauthor}{#1 {\scshape #2} \dots\dots {\bfseries #3}}}

\lhead{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{./logos/logo.pdf}} % Set image at top of the page


    \centering % Center the content
    \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{./logos/logo_blue.pdf}\par\vspace{1cm} % Insert logo
    {\scshape\LARGE Delft University of Technology \par} % Name of the university
    \vspace{1cm} % Vertical space of 1.5 cm
    {\scshape\Large \coursename \\ \large \coursecode \\ \normalsize \instructorname \par}
    \vspace{0.5cm} % Vertical space of 1 cm
    \rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[0.4 cm]
    {\huge\bfseries \reporttitle \par} \
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    {\large \today\par} % Visualization of the date



% Define newcommand for norm


在对 OP 进行一些调试后,我发现使用“低级”\rightmark命令(参见fancyhdr 文档) 使一切正常运行。如果您想要精确编辑部分名称的显示方式,您可以编辑\sectionmark命令(参见代码)。

\lhead{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{./logos/logo.pdf}} % Set image at top of the page
% \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ \ ##1}} % Change appearance of marks
\rhead{\nouppercase{\rightmark}} % Use \rightmark instead of \leftmark..
