如何解决longtable latex中的文本换行问题?

如何解决longtable latex中的文本换行问题?





    \caption{A simple longtable example}\\
    \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
    {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
    \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
    \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
    \begin{itemize} \item TEAM/ UNIT/ Organisation  \end{itemize}  
   & \begin{itemize}
    \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in 
    releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during 
   & \begin{enumerate}\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
   expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into 
   electronic version ie bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the 
   system that has been developed. 
   \item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
   potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
   matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise 
   their strategic plans/performance metrics
  & \begin{itemize} \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data 
   provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get 
   feedbacks during verifications. 
  \end{itemize}  \\
  Team/ Unit/ Organisation & To maintain staff passion to maintain data 
  provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get 
  feedbacks during verifications.   

   & 1.To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in 
   releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during 

   2.To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing expertise/resources to 
   upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie  bona fide 
   Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed 

   3. Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
   potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with
   what matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise 
   their strategic plans/performance metrics.       

   4. To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing expertise/resources in    
   MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie bona fide 
   Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed. 

   5. To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing expertise/resources 
   to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie bona fide 
   Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed.

    & To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing 
    data because the data providers could get feedbacks during 
    verifications. \\

    11111111111 & 22222222222222222222222 & 3333333333333333 & 444444 \\ 
    1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
    1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
    1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 
     1 & 2 & 3 & 4 











                  topsep= 0pt,
                  leftmargin= *,
                  topsep= 0pt,
                  leftmargin= *,

 \caption{A simple longtable example}\\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
 \begin{tabitem}    \item TEAM/ UNIT/ Organisation  \end{tabitem}  
 & \begin{tabitem}
 \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing 
 data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.
 & \begin{tabenum}\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
 expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic 
 version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that 
  has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise their 
strategic plans/performance metrics
&   \begin{tabitem} \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data 
provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get 
feedbacks during verifications. 
\end{tabitem}  \\

 \caption{A simple longtable example}\\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
 \begin{tabitem}    \item TEAM/ UNIT/ Organisation  \end{tabitem}  
 & \begin{tabitem}
 \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing 
 data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.
 & \begin{tabenum}\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
 expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic 
 version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that 
  has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise their 
strategic plans/performance metrics
&   \begin{tabitem} \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data 
provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get 
feedbacks during verifications. 
\end{tabitem}  \\






                  topsep= 0pt,
                  leftmargin= *,
                  topsep= 0pt,
                  leftmargin= *,


 \caption{A simple longtable example}\\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\
 \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
 \begin{tabitem}    \item TEAM/ UNIT/ Organisation  \end{tabitem}  
 & \begin{tabitem}
 \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing 
 data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.
 & \begin{tabenum}[series=enum]\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
 expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic 
 version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that 
  has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise their 
strategic plans/performance metrics
&   \begin{tabitem} \item To maintain staff passion to maintain data 
provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get 
feedbacks during verifications. 
\end{tabitem}  \\
&& \begin{tabenum}[resume=enum] \item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
 expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic 
 version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that 
  has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise their 
strategic plans/performance metrics
\end{tabenum} & \\
&& \begin{tabenum}[resume=enum] \item To explore the Idea of a merger* with  existing 
 expertise/resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic 
 version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that 
  has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients “see” its 
potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what 
matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU/PIK to revise their 
strategic plans/performance metrics
\end{tabenum} & \\





/另一个提示:你似乎经常使用符号(“斜线”)来形成单词对甚至三元组。LaTeX 通常不允许在符号处换行。我建议你用/替换所有实例(注意额外的空格);这样,换行符/\slash再次成为可能。例如,我建议您从 切换Team/Unit/OrganisationTeam\slash Unit\slash Organisation




%% customize 'itemize' and 'enumerate' environments:
    before = \vspace{-\baselineskip},
    after  = \vspace{-\baselineskip}}
    before = \vspace{-\baselineskip},
    after  = \vspace{-\baselineskip}}



%% headers and footers

\caption{A single-page longtable example}\\
\textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & \textbf{2019} & \textbf{2020} \\

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\tablename\ \thetable,
 \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
\textbf{Items} & \textbf{2018} & 
\textbf{2019}  & \textbf{2020} \\

\multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\


%% body of table

\item TEAM\slash UNIT\slash Organisation  
\item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.
\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with existing expertise\slash resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed. 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients ``see'' its potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU\slash PIK to revise their strategic plans\slash performance metrics
\item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications. 
\\  % end of first "row"

Team\slash Unit\slash Organisation 
To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.   
\item To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications.
\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with existing expertise\slash resources to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie  bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed by 
\item Use the prototype Performance Dashboard to help clients ``see'' its potentials to help them in their work, so that they can come up with what matters to them (direction) that eventually helps MHPU\slash PIK to revise their strategic plans\slash performance metrics.
\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with existing expertise\slash resources in MOH to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed.
\item To explore the Idea of a merger* with existing expertise\slash resources to upgrade the hardcopy reports into electronic version ie bona fide Performance Dashboard possibly using the system that has been developed.
To maintain staff passion to maintain data provider trust in releasing data because the data providers could get feedbacks during verifications. 
\\ % end of second "row"
