在同一页上放置单列和双列图形,但出于某种原因,LaTeX 拒绝这样做。
以下 MWE 显示了我的问题:
\usepackage{graphicx} % GRAPHICS: Advanced graphics loading
\usepackage[pangram]{blindtext} % DEVELOPMENT: Provide blind text like lipsum but better
% The paper headers
This is an MWE for one and two column figures.
figure, figure*
\IEEEPARstart{I}{n} this paper I would really like to have one-column and two-column graphics on the same page.
\blindtext % Blindtext calls are separated to yield paragraphs for sure
% Top of right column on second page...
\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth, height=5cm]{example-image-a}
\caption{A graphic using \emph{figure}.}
% This should be on the bottom of the second page...
\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth, height=5cm]{example-image-b}
\caption{A graphic using \emph{figure*}.}