


\usepackage{amsmath} % for \boxed{}
\usepackage{mathtools} % also loads amsmath


\noindent \textit{The central goal of the SHRP 2 Safety research program was 
to address the role of driver performance and behavior in traffic safety. 
This included developing an understanding of how the driver interacts with 
and adapts to the vehicle, traffic environment, roadway characteristics, 
traffic control devices, and the environment. It also included assessing the 
changes in collision risk associated with each of these factors and 
interactions. This information will support the development of new and 
improved countermeasures with greater effectiveness.}





\usepackage{amsmath} % for \boxed{}
\usepackage{mathtools} % also loads amsmath


    The central goal of the SHRP 2 Safety research program was 
    to address the role of driver performance and behavior in traffic safety. 
    This included developing an understanding of how the driver interacts with 
    and adapts to the vehicle, traffic environment, roadway characteristics, 
    traffic control devices, and the environment. It also included assessing the 
    changes in collision risk associated with each of these factors and 
    interactions. This information will support the development of new and 
    improved countermeasures with greater effectiveness.



\usepackage{amsmath} % for \boxed{}
\usepackage{mathtools} % also loads amsmath
\begin{description}[leftmargin=1.45cm, labelwidth=1.2cm, labelsep=2.5mm]
    The central goal of the SHRP 2 Safety research program was 
    to address the role of driver performance and behavior in traffic safety. 
    This included developing an understanding of how the driver interacts with 
    and adapts to the vehicle, traffic environment, roadway characteristics, 
    traffic control devices, and the environment. It also included assessing the 
    changes in collision risk associated with each of these factors and 
    interactions. This information will support the development of new and 
    improved countermeasures with greater effectiveness.

