我建议使用 titlesec 的leftmargin
预定义格式,因为它是为此目的而设计的(请参阅 titlesec 文档的第 3.1 节)。示例:
{4pc}{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{1pc}
\section{my section content}
First line of paragraph
编辑 - 第二个示例具有更宽的边距和“挂起”(评论中的以下问题):
\usepackage{lipsum} % For filler text
{\normalfont\bfseries\filright}% Now right justfy
% 'hang' hack - put some negative space before section number
% Now with an adjustment for section numbers with double figures
{\ifnum\thesection>9\relax\hspace{-1.56em}\else\hspace{-1.1em}\fi\thesection.}{.3em}{}% Adjust values to your tastes
{4.5pc}% Increase this value to have more words per line in the title
{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}%
{0.5pc}% Space between title and section text (adjust as see fit)
\section{First section} % Example 2
% Bump up the section number so we can test things
\section{The tenth section}