texfile 中的图像出现奇怪的错误

texfile 中的图像出现奇怪的错误

我正在 overleaf 上写一份手稿,它在那里编译得很完美,但是当我尝试提交它时,ArXiv 的现场编译器根本不喜欢它。主要错误似乎源于第 62 行,这只是我图片的 /caption。

%% An example figure call using \includegraphics
\caption{The top row shows from left to right: the chop difference frames of HR2652 taken with chop angles of 0, 180, 270 and 90 degrees and the corresponding nod frames in the middle row. Note the inverted signal on the background pattern for opposing chop angles. The panels in the bottom row compare inverse chop addition with classical chopping and nodding along two chop directions. The red rectangle represents the region used for background calibration and the black square represents the region used for obtaining source counts.} 



