






\item Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning (Hoe does your lesson target specific features of one or more of the five reform appraoches?)

\item Materials, Resources, Safety

 \item Battery
 \item Copper Wire 
 \item Screw/Bolt 
 \item Electrical Tape 
 \item Box Cutter 
 \item Wire Cutter 


\item NYS Learning Standards 

\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
Sequence & Performance Indicators\\
III.6 & A circuit is a closed path in which a current* can exist.\\
III.8 & Circuit components may be connected in series* or in parallel.* Schematic diagrams are used to represent circuits and circuit elements\\
III.9 & Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. The relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field may produce a potential difference in the conductor\\ 









\item Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning (Hoe does your lesson target specific features of one or more of the five reform appraoches?)

\item Materials, Resources, Safety

 \item Battery
 \item Copper Wire
 \item Screw/Bolt
 \item Electrical Tape
 \item Box Cutter
 \item Wire Cutter

\item NYS Learning Standards

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| c | X |}
Sequence & Performance Indicators\\
III.6 & A circuit is a closed path in which a current* can exist.\\
III.8 & Circuit components may be connected in series* or in parallel.* Schematic diagrams are used to represent circuits and circuit elements\\
III.9 & Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. The relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field may produce a potential difference in the conductor\\



