




  {\clearpage           % we want a new page
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   \vspace*{\stretch{1}}% some space at the top 
   \itshape             % the text is in italics

  {\par % end the paragraph
   \vspace{\stretch{3}} % space at bottom is three times that at the top
   \clearpage           % finish off the page

Dedicated to google and wikipedia by models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS), the CP provides the storage and processing facilities
needed to support that service model, together with a cloud interface for cloud
service consumers. For SaaS, the CP deploy


您可以使用范围界定(使用{...}\begingroup... \endgroup)来限制 的效果\raggedleft,或者您可以\justifying使用ragged2e要恢复段落的对齐外观,请执行以下\raggedleft操作\centering




  {\clearpage           % we want a new page
   \thispagestyle{empty}% no header and footer
   \vspace*{\stretch{1}}% some space at the top 
   \raggedleft          % Flush with right margin
   \section*{Dedication}% Formatting of dedication title (as section*)
   \itshape             % the text is in italics
   \justifying          % layout of dedication paragraph

  {\par                 % end the paragraph
   \vspace{\stretch{3}} % space at bottom is three times that at the top
   \clearpage           % finish off the page


  Dedicated to google and wikipedia by models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS), the CP provides the storage and processing facilities
  needed to support that service model, together with a cloud interface for cloud
  service consumers. For SaaS, the CP deploy.

