\newcommand\varname{text value}
% Definitions
\title{en}{Title Of The Document}
\title{fi}{Dokumentin otsikko}
% Use in class environments or tex files
\title{en} % -> "Title Of The Document"
\title{fi} % -> "Dokumentin otsikko"
\expandafter\newcommand\csname Emit#2\endcsname{%
{\scriptsize (Use {\tt\textbackslash #2} to replace this text.)}}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname Emit#2\endcsname{#1}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #2\endcsname[1]{%
\expandafter\renewcommand\csname Emit#2\endcsname{##1}%
\MakeStringVar{Major} % Definition in class
\Major{Major subject name} % Set value in pre-document
\EmitMajor % Used in environments in class -> "Major subject name"
但我对 LaTeX 还是个新手,所以我不知道从哪里开始。我觉得上面的命令可以以某种方式扩展,但我真的不知道 LaTeX 宏的局限性。
\deftitle{Default Language (English) Title} % same as \deftitle[en]{...}
\deftitle[it]{Italian Title}
\deftitle[fr]{French Title}
\usetitle % same as \usetitle[en]
\expandafter\newcommand\csname def#1\endcsname[2][en]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname use#1\endcsname[1][en]{\@nameuse{#1:##1}}%
\prop_new:c { g_felix_varstring_#1_prop }
\felix_varstring_add:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\felix_varstring_add:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\prop_gset_from_keyval:Nn \g_felix_varstring_alias_prop { #1 }
\prop_if_in:cfTF { g_felix_varstring_#1_prop } { #2 }
\prop_item:cf { g_felix_varstring_#1_prop } { #2 }
\prop_if_in:NnT \g_felix_varstring_alias_prop { #2 }
\prop_item:cf { g_felix_varstring_#1_prop }
\prop_item:Nn \g_felix_varstring_alias_prop { #2 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_item:Nn { cf }
\prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \prop_if_in:Nn { cf } { T,F,TF,p }
\prop_new:N \g_felix_varstring_alias_prop
\cs_new_protected:Nn \felix_varstring_add:nn
\prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_felix_varstring_#1_prop } { #2 }
\definevarstring{title}[% long versions for languages
english=Title of the document,
finnish=Dokumentin otsikko,
\author{A. Uthor}
%% This coding example was written by Ulrich Diez in November 16, 2018.
%% It was modified by Ulrich Diez in February 28, 2019.
%% Copyright 2018, 2019 Ulrich Diez (e-mail: [email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>
%% and version 1.3x or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `unmaintained'.
%% This work consists of this coding example.
%%==== Begin of code for the \SetProperty-\GetProperty-Interface =======
\RequirePackage{ifluatex, ifxetex}
%% Paraphernalia:
%% \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@PassFirstToSecond,
%% \UD@exchange, \UD@removespace, \UD@name, \UD@CheckWhetherNull,
%% \UD@loopcall,
\newcommand\UD@removespace{}\UD@firstoftwo{\def\UD@removespace}{} {}%
%% Put a control sequence token in place instead of the string denoting
%% its name.
%% \UD@name<emptiness or tokens other than braces>{<Name of
%% Control Sequence>}
%% yields:
%% <emptiness or tokens other than braces>\Controlsequence
%% E.g.,
%% \UD@name foo{bar} -> foo\bar
%% \UD@name{bar} -> \bar
%% \UD@name\newcommand*{wEirdName}[1]{Arg 1: (#1)}
%% -> \newcommand*\wEirdName[1]{Arg 1: (#1)}
\expandafter\UD@exchange\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}{0 #1}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is empty>}%
%% {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%% which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% (\romannumeral expansion was introduced in order to overcome the
%% concerns and worries about improperly balanced
%% \if..\else..\fi constructs.)
\UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
\UD@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@firstoftwo}%
%% Expandable Loop:
%% \UD@loopcall{<action>}%
%% {<action if list empty>}%
%% {<preset>}%
%% {{<e_k>}{<e_(k+1)>}..{e_n}}% <- this is the list
%% If list is empty: <action if list empty>
%% Else:
%% <action>{<e_k>}<preset> \UD@loopcall{<action>}%
%% {<action if list empty>}%
%% {<preset>}{{<e_(k+1)>}..{e_n}}
%% <action> can be defined to mesh into the iteration-process, e.g.,
%% (ex)changing arguments like the <action if list empty>-argument for
%% the next \UD@loopcall-iteration, e.g., terminating iteration
%% prematurely under some circumstances.
%% Expandable comparison of two strings:
%% Derived from David Kastrup's \ifstrequal-test from the
%% TeX Pearl Diving Site;
%% Pearls of 2005;
%% Title: David Kastrup - Comparing two strings known to consist
%% only of characters ;
%% Url: <http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/pearls/2005p/david-kastrup/bachotex2005-david-kastrup-pearl1.pdf>
%% \UD@ifstrequal{<String 1>}{<String 2>}%
%% {%
%% <Tokens to be delivered in case strings are equal>
%% }%
%% {%
%% <Tokens to be delivered in case strings are
%% not equal>
%% }%
%% (<String 1> gets expanded during comparison.
%% <String 2> gets not expanded during comparison.
%% I bloated this thing up for ensuring it also takes spaces into
%% account.
\long\def\UD@strchksp#1#2#3#4 #5\relax{%
{\UD@strequalstart#1{#2}{#3} \relax}%
{\UD@strequalstart#1{#2}{#3}{ }#5\relax}}}%
{\UD@strequalstart#1{#2}{#3}#4 #5\relax}%
\newcommand\UD@strequal[2]{\number\UD@strchksp#1{}{}#2 \relax}
\long\def\UD@strequalstop\fi\UD@strchksp#1#2#3#4{\fi#2#4\relax'#313 }%
{\UD@exchange{ \UD@firstoftwo}}{\UD@exchange{ \UD@secondoftwo}}%
%% Total expansion and stringification of argument:
%% \UD@stringify{<argument that expands to character tokens>}
%% Does \csname..\endcsname with the argument, then \string,
%% then removal of \escapechar if that was added.
\ifnum\the\escapechar<0 %
\ifnum\the\escapechar>\ifxetex 1114111 %
\else\ifluatex 1114111 \else 255 \fi\fi
\ifnum\the\escapechar=32 %
{\UD@firstoftwo{ }}{}%
}{ }%
}{ }%
%% Property-Management:
%% The concept is about maintaining macros that expand to lists of
%% 2-tuple-arguments.
%% The first component of the tuple holds the name of a property.
%% The second component holds the value of the property.
%% E.g., the macro \macro could be defined to expand to:
%% {{property name 1}{property value 1}}%
%% {{property name 2}{property value 2}}%
%% ...
%% {{property name K}{property value K}}%
%% \SetProperty{\macro}%
%% {<name of property>}%
%% {<new value of property>}
%% In case \macro is undefined, \macro will be defined empty.
%% In case a property <name of property> does not exist within the
%% macro \macro, it will be added to the macro and it will get the
%% value <new value of property>.
%% In case a property <name of property> does exist within the macro
%% \macro, its value will get replaced by <new value of property>.
%% Before further evaluation <name of property> will be expanded via
%% \csname..\endcsname-expansion and afterwards "stringified" by
%% applying \string and removing a leading escapechar if one was
%% added.
%% Example:
%% \SetProperty{\macro}{property name 2}{changed property value 2}
%% would make \macro to expand to
%% {{property name 1}{property value 1}}%
%% {{property name 2}{changed property value 2}}%
%% ...
%% {{property name K}{property value K}}%
%% and
%% \SetProperty{\macro}{property name (K+1)}{property value (K+1)}
%% would make \macro to expand to
%% {{property name 1}{property value 1}}%
%% {{property name 2}{changed property value 2}}%
%% ...
%% {{property name K}{property value K}}%
%% {{property name (K+1)}{property value (K+1)}}%
%% \GetProperty{\macro}%
%% {<name of property>}%
%% {%
%% <tokens to be delivered in case
%% property is not available>
%% }
%% In case \macro is undefined or property <name of property> does not
%% exist within the macro \macro,
%% <tokens to be delivered in case property is not available>
%% will be delivered.
%% In case a property <name of property> does exist within the macro
%% \macro, its value will be delivered.
%% Before further evaluation <name of property> will be expanded via
%% \csname..\endcsname-expansion and afterwards "stringified" by
%% applying \string and removing a leading escapechar if one was
%% added.
%% \GetProperty is expandable and delivers the result after two
%% expansion steps / after being hit "twice" by \expandafter.
%% E.g., with the macro \macro being defined to expand to
%% {{property name 1}{property value 1}}%
%% {{property name 2}{property value 2}}%
%% ...
%% {{property name K}{property value K}}%
%% , the sequence
%% \GetProperty{\macro}{property name 2}{Huh?}
%% will expand to:
%% property value 2
\ifnum\the\escapechar<0 %
\ifnum\the\escapechar>\ifxetex 1114111 %
\else\ifluatex 1114111 \else 255 \fi\fi
\ifnum\the\escapechar=32 %
{ \global\def#3{{{#1}{#4}}}\@esphack}%
{{#1}{#4}{ \global\def#3}{}}%
\UD@AtIfPropertyListUndefined{#1}{ #3}{%
\UD@ExpandProperties{#1}{#2}{\UD@@getproperty}{ #3}%
{\UD@exchange{ }\expandafter\UD@secondoftwo#1}%
%%==== End of code for the \SetProperty-\GetProperty-Interface =========
%%==== Layout of this example ==========================================
% - No headers / no footers
% - paragraph-breaking:
% - horizontal margins:
% - vertical margins:
% - no headheight/headsep etc as there are no headers as
% pagestyle=empty:
% - allow linebreaks after closing braces in typewriter font:
% - in case of pdftex also adjust the underlying paper
%%==== Layout-changes etc done.=========================================
{Error: \string#1: Translation into language #2 not available}%
{Source for further information on this error is neither available nor needed.}%
{You can use \string\SetProperty for specifying a translation.}%
\SetProperty{\mymacro}{English}{This is a sentence in English.}
\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Francais}{Ceci est une phrase en fran\c cais.}
\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Italiano}{Questa \`e una frase in italiano.}
\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{Dies ist ein Satz in deutscher Sprache.}
\verb|\SetProperty{\mymacro}{English}{This is a sentence in English.}|\\
\verb|\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Francais}{Ceci est une phrase en fran\c cais.}|\\
\verb|\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Italiano}{Questa \`e una frase in italiano.}|\\
\verb|\SetProperty{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{Dies ist ein Satz in deutscher Sprache.}|
\verb|\GetProperty{\mymacro}{English}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{English}{No translation available.}}|\\
\GetProperty{\mymacro}{English}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{English}{No translation available.}}
\verb|\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Francais}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Francais}{Aucune traduction disponible.}}|\\
\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Francais}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Francais}{Aucune traduction disponible.}}
\verb|\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Italiano}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Italiano}{Nessuna traduzione disponibile.}}|\\
\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Italiano}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Italiano}{Nessuna traduzione disponibile.}}
\verb|\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{Keine Übersetzung vorhanden.}}|\\
\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Deutsch}{Keine Übersetzung vorhanden.}}
\verb|% This will raise an error:|\\
\verb|\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Esperanto}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Esperanto}{Neniu traduko havebla.}}|\\
% This will raise an error:
\GetProperty{\mymacro}{Esperanto}{\Errortext{\mymacro}{Esperanto}{Neniu traduko havebla.}}