\definecolor{aqua}{rgb}{0.0, 1.0, 1.0}
\definecolor{carnationpink}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.79}
\matrix [matrix of nodes,nodes in empty cells,draw,
row 1/.style={nodes={rotate=90,anchor=west,font=\bfseries}}] (mat)
{|[text=blue]| \Large Millions &\Large Hundred Thousands & \Large Ten Thousands
& |[text=blue]| \Large Thousands & \Large hundreds & \Large tens & |
[text=blue]| \Large ones\\
|[text width=8mm,align=center]| \Large & |[text
width=8mm,align=center]| \Large
& |[text width=8mm,align=center]| \Large &|[text
width=8mm,align=center]| \Large
& |[text width=8mm,align=center]|\Large 3 & |[text
\Large 6 & |[text width=8mm,align=center]| \Large $\mathbf{4}$ \\
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {2,...,7}
{\path (mat-1-\Y.center) -- (mat-1-\X.center) coordinate[midway] (h-\Y);
\draw (h-\Y|-mat.south) -- (h-\Y|-mat.north);}
\draw (mat-2-7.north -|mat.west) -- (mat-2-7.north -|mat.east);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[yellow] (h-2|-mat.south) rectangle (mat.north east);
\fill[carnationpink] (h-4|-mat.south) rectangle (mat.north west);
\fill[aqua] (h-4|-mat.south) rectangle (mat.north east);
\definecolor{aqua}{rgb}{0.0, 1.0, 1.0}
\definecolor{carnationpink}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.79}
\matrix [matrix of nodes,nodes in empty cells,draw,column sep=0.4em,
row 1/.style={nodes={rotate=90,anchor=west,font=\bfseries}}] (mat)
|[text=blue]| Millions & Hundred Thousands & Ten Thousands & |[text=blue]| Thousands & hundreds & tens & |[text=blue]| ones\\
& & & & 3 & 6 & 4 \\
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {2,...,7}
{\path (mat-1-\Y.center) -- (mat-1-\X.center) coordinate[midway] (h-\Y);
\draw (h-\Y|-mat.south) -- (h-\Y|-mat.north);}
\draw (mat-2-7.north -|mat.west) -- (mat-2-7.north -|mat.east);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[aqua] (h-4|-mat.south) rectangle (mat.north east);
\fill[carnationpink] (h-4|-mat.south) rectangle (h-1|-mat.north east);
\fill[yellow] (h-1|-mat.south) rectangle (mat.north west);
\definecolor{aqua}{rgb}{0.0, 1.0, 1.0}
\definecolor{carnationpink}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.79}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rot}{75} % "tilting" angle
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=mat]
\foreach \Y [count=\Z] in
\node[rotate=\rot,anchor=west,font=\bfseries,text=blue] (t-\Z)
at (-\Z*2em,0) {\myprefix\mysuffix};
\node[rotate=\rot,anchor=west,font=\bfseries] (t-\Z)
at (-\Z*2em,0) {\myprefix\mysuffix};
\path (-1em-\Z*2em,0) coordinate (h-\Z);
\node[below=0pt of t-\Z.west] (l-\Z) {\Y};
\draw (-1em,0) coordinate (h-0) -- (-1em-\numNodes*2em,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {0,...,\numexpr\numNodes-1}
\draw[right color=\mycolor,left color=\mycolor!50,shading angle=90+\rot]
-- (intersection cs:first line={(h-\X)--($(h-\X)+(\rot:5)$)},
second line={(mat.north west)--(mat.north east)})
-- (intersection cs:first line={(h-\Y)--($(h-\Y)+(\rot:5)$)},
second line={(mat.north west)--(mat.north east)})
-- (h-\Y)
-- cycle;
\draw[bottom color=\mycolor,top color=\mycolor!30]
(h-\X|-mat.south) rectangle (h-\Y);
\node[draw,minimum width=6em,anchor=south west,minimum height=2em,
fill=\mycolor] (t-\Y) at
(intersection cs:first line={(h-\Y)--($(h-\Y)+(\rot:5)$)},
second line={(mat.north west)--(mat.north east)}) {\mysuffix};
\draw[right color=aqua,left color=aqua!50,shading angle=90+\rot]
let \p1=($(l-1.north)-(l-1.south)$) in
(intersection cs:first line={(h-0)--($(h-0)+(\rot:5)$)},
second line={(mat.north west)--(mat.north east)})
-- ++(0,-\y1) --
(l-1.south -| h-0) -- (h-0);
\draw[fill=orange!20] (t-12.north west) -- ++ (0,2em) -| (t-3.north east);
\path (t-12.north west) + (0,2em) -- (t-3.north east)