


我怎样才能将插入图形放入网格中?每个图形将有 4 个标题。我尝试使用 subfloat,但似乎不起作用。


\begin{figure}[ht] \label{ fig7} 
\caption{The first caption}
\caption{The second caption}
\caption{The third caption}
\caption{The fourth caption}
\caption{The first caption}
\caption{The second caption}
\caption{The third caption}
\caption{The fourth caption}
\caption{The first caption}
\caption{The second caption}
\caption{The third caption}
\caption{The fourth caption}
\caption{The first caption}
\caption{The second caption}
\caption{The third caption}
\caption{The fourth caption}



编辑: 仍在猜测...但是现在图像是 2 x 2 图像阵列:



%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
    \captionsetup{font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf, 
                  skip=0.5ex, singlelinecheck=false}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} *{4}{X} @{}}
    &   \caption{The first caption}
        \caption{The second caption}
        \caption{The third caption}
        \caption{The fourth caption}
        &   \includegraphics[valign=T]{example-image-duck}
                &   \caption{The first caption}
                    \caption{The second caption}
                    \caption{The third caption}
                    \caption{The fourth caption}    \\
    &   \caption{The first caption}
        \caption{The second caption}
        \caption{The third caption}
        \caption{The fourth caption}
        &   \includegraphics[valign=T]{example-image-duck}
                &   \caption{The first caption}
                    \caption{The second caption}
                    \caption{The third caption}
                    \caption{The fourth caption}    



上面显示的输出是使用嵌套表实现的,如下面的 MWE 所示:



\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
Original:&  Two people walking on the beach.\\ 
Model21:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model2:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model23:&  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
\end{tabular} &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
Original:&  Two people walking on the beach.\\ 
Model21:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model2:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model23:&  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
Original:&  Two people walking on the beach.\\ 
Model21:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model2:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model23:&  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
\end{tabular} &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
Original:&  Two people walking on the beach.\\ 
Model21:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model2:&   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\
Model23:&  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. \\







\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
\item[Original]  Two people walking on the beach.
\item[Model21]   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 
\item[Model2]   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 
\item[Model23]  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 
\end{description} &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=t]{example-image} &
\item[Original]  Two people walking on the beach.
\item[Model21]   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 
\item[Model2]   Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 
\item[Model23]  Zwei Personen gehen am Strand. 

