为质量功能部署 (QFD) 创建质量屋 (HoQ) 又称产品规划矩阵 (PPM)

为质量功能部署 (QFD) 创建质量屋 (HoQ) 又称产品规划矩阵 (PPM)

我要为我的其中一门课程制作质量屋图 (HoQ),但我不知道该怎么做。它应该用 LaTeX 完成,我和我的团队不知道该怎么做。

供您参考,下面是我们提供的 HoQ 示例:


  1. 顶部的三角形桌子

  2. 将所有表连接在一起


老师给了我们一个.pdf示例文件,.tex该示例的来源文件丢失了,他不是制作它的人,没有人知道是谁制作的,也不知道如何制作 HoQ。






是吗可能的用 LaTeX 生成这个?是的。我是否相信 LaTeX 是最好的工具?不。这是一个存在证明。请原谅我,我不懂法语,也不擅长从屏幕截图中输入内容。我也在添加了足够多的三角形、圆形等后停止添加。

\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,myfit/.style={fill=white,draw,line width=\mylinewidth,
 inner sep=-0.5*\mylinewidth,fit=#1},
 circ/.style={path picture={\draw circle (0.3em);}},
 circdot/.style={path picture={\draw circle (0.3em); 
 \fill circle (0.1em);}},
 trian/.style={path picture={\draw (-30:0.3em) -- (90:0.3em) -- (210:0.3em) --cycle ;}},
 \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes={draw,line width=\mylinewidth,minimum width=1.6em,
 minimum height=1.6em, anchor=center},column sep=-\mylinewidth,
 ,row sep=-\mylinewidth,%nodes in empty cells,
 row 3/.style={nodes={rotate=90,minimum width=9em,minimum height=1.6em}},
 row 11/.style={nodes={rotate=90,minimum width=9em,minimum height=1.6em}},
 column 3/.style={nodes={align=left,text width=11em,}}](mat) {
    & & & ~ & ~& ~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
    & & & ~ &~ & ~& ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ &~ \\
    & & & choix du chapteur & I don't know & French so I just & add bla bla   bla 
    & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[circ]| ~ & ~& ~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[circ]| ~ & |[circdot]|~& ~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[circ]| ~ & ~& |[circdot]|~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[circ]| ~ & ~& ~ & |[circdot]|~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[trian]| ~ & ~& ~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & |[circ]| ~ & |[circ]|~& |[trian]|~ & |[trian]|~& |[circdot]|~& |[trian]|~& ~&~ \\
   ~ & ~& alimentation & ~ & ~& ~ & ~& ~& ~& ~&~ \\
    & & & choix du chapteur & I don't know & French so I just & add bla bla   bla 
    & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla  & bla bla bla bla \\
 \node[myfit=(mat-1-4) (mat-1-11)] {thermometre};
 \node[myfit=(mat-2-4) (mat-2-7)] {capteur};
 \node[myfit=(mat-2-8) (mat-2-9)] {etal};
 \node[myfit=(mat-10-1) (mat-4-1)] (aux1){};
 \node[rotate=90] at (aux1){mesure};
 \node[myfit=(mat-7-2) (mat-4-2)] (aux2){};
 \node[rotate=90] at (aux2){senseur};
 \node[myfit=(mat-9-2) (mat-8-2)] (aux3){};
 \node[rotate=90] at (aux3){conv.};
 \node[rotate=90] at (mat-10-2) {aff};
 % etc.
 \foreach \X in {4,...,11}
 {\draw[line width=\mylinewidth] (mat-1-\X.north west)
 -- (intersection cs:first line={(mat-1-\X.north west)--($(mat-1-\X.north west)+(45:5)$)},
 second line={(mat-1-11.north east)--($(mat-1-11.north east)+(135:5)$)});
 \draw[line width=\mylinewidth] (mat-1-\X.north east)
 -- (intersection cs:first line={(mat-1-\X.north east)--($(mat-1-\X.north east)+(135:5)$)},
 second line={(mat-1-4.north west)--($(mat-1-4.north west)+(45:5)$)});
 \begin{scope}[shift={(mat-1-4.north west)},
 ] % define local coordinate system for easier access of the cells
  \foreach \Coord in {(1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(7,1),%
  {\node at \Coord {\checkmark};}

