我希望看到标题“元素分析”位于包含 C、H、N、S 和 O 值的列的中央和上方。
与标题“近似分析”类似,位于包含 VM、FC 和 Ash 的值的列的中央和上方。
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\journal{Applied Energy}
\begin{table} [H]
\caption{Characteristics of OS and biomass samples.}
\label{Chemical properties of OS and the blends}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}l *{8}{C} @{}}
& \multicolumn{4}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr4\hsize+8\tabcolsep\relax}C}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}}
& \multicolumn{4}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr4\hsize+8\tabcolsep\relax}C}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{(wt. \%)}
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{(wt. \%)}\\
\cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-9}
& \textbf{C} &\textbf{ H} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{S}& \textbf{O}$^\gamma$ & \textbf{VM} & \textbf{FC} $^{\varphi}$ & \textbf{Ash}\\
\textbf{OS} &9.3 &2.3 &0.2 &4.0 & 11.6 &24.0 &3.4 &72.6 \\
\textbf{GP}&48.8 &6.0 &1.9 &0.2& 35.7 &72.7 &19.9 &7.4 \\
\textbf{RH}&35.3 &4.7 &0.3 &0.1& 37.8 &64.4 & 12.8 &21.8 \\
\textbf{EG}& 48.2&5.9 & $<$D.L&$<$D.L&45.7 &88.5 &11.3 &0.24\\
VM: volatile matter, FC: Fixed carbon, D.L: detention limit. All values are expressed in dry basis.\\
$\varphi$: Determined by difference: $\text{FC}=100\%-\text{VM}\%-\text{Ash}\%$.\\
All reported values are given with an error of 1\% of the value.\\
$^\gamma$: Determined by difference: \%O = 100\% - C\% - H\% - N\% - S\% - Ash\%.\\
您的代码的问题在于您想要将 5 列和 3 列置于中心,而不是像在代码中那样将 4 列和 4 列置于中心:
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}} % <========
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\ % <=====
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{(wt. \%)} % <==========================
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{(wt. \%)}\\ % <========================
完整校正的 MWE
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\journal{Applied Energy}
\begin{table} [H]
\caption{Characteristics of OS and biomass samples.}
\label{Chemical properties of OS and the blends}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}l *{8}{C} @{}}
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}} % <========
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\ % <=====
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{(wt. \%)} % <==========================
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{(wt. \%)}\\ % <========================
\cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-9}
& \textbf{C} &\textbf{ H} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{S}& \textbf{O}$^\gamma$ & \textbf{VM} & \textbf{FC} $^{\varphi}$ & \textbf{Ash}\\
\textbf{OS} &9.3 &2.3 &0.2 &4.0 & 11.6 &24.0 &3.4 &72.6 \\
\textbf{GP}&48.8 &6.0 &1.9 &0.2& 35.7 &72.7 &19.9 &7.4 \\
\textbf{RH}&35.3 &4.7 &0.3 &0.1& 37.8 &64.4 & 12.8 &21.8 \\
\textbf{EG}& 48.2&5.9 & $<$D.L&$<$D.L&45.7 &88.5 &11.3 &0.24\\
VM: volatile matter, FC: Fixed carbon, D.L: detention limit. All values are expressed in dry basis.\\
$\varphi$: Determined by difference: $\text{FC}=100\%-\text{VM}\%-\text{Ash}\%$.\\
All reported values are given with an error of 1\% of the value.\\
$^\gamma$: Determined by difference: \%O = 100\% - C\% - H\% - N\% - S\% - Ash\%.\\
由于标题应该分别跨越 5 列和 3 列,并且标题单元格中不允许换行,因此您应该替换
& \multicolumn{4}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr4\hsize+8\tabcolsep\relax}C}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}}
& \multicolumn{4}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr4\hsize+8\tabcolsep\relax}C}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{(wt. \%)}
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{(wt. \%)}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{(wt. \%)}
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{(wt. \%)}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr5\hsize+8\tabcolsep\relax}C}{\textbf{Ultimate analysis}}
& \multicolumn{3}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr3\hsize+4\tabcolsep\relax}C@{}}{\textbf{Proximate analysis}}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{(wt. \%)}
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{(wt. \%)}\\
附录- 如果这是我的表,我会不是使用tabularx
。我还将为标题提供更多结构,并删除所有大胆的以避免给人留下对我的读者大喊大叫的印象。重要的是,我将对所有 8 个数据列使用S
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
\journal{Applied Energy}
%% Commented out instructions of no relevance to the table at hand.
%\pgfplotsset{plot coordinates/math parser=false}
\bibliographystyle{elsarticle-num} % or "unsrtnat"
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} %
\caption{Characteristics of OS and biomass samples.}
S[table-format=2.2] }
Material & \multicolumn{8}{c}{Type of Analysis}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{Ultimate}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Proximate}\\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{(wt.\ \%)}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{(wt.\ \%)}\\
\cmidrule{2-6} \cmidrule{7-9}
& \mc{C} & \mc{H} & \mc{N} & \mc{S} & \mc{O$^\gamma$}
& \mc{VM} & \mc{FC$^{\varphi}$} & \mc{Ash}\\
OS & 9.3 &2.3 &0.2 &4.0 &11.6 &24.0 &3.4 &72.6 \\
GP &48.8 &6.0 &1.9 &0.2 &35.7 &72.7 &19.9 & 7.4 \\
RH &35.3 &4.7 &0.3 &0.1 &37.8 &64.4 &12.8 &21.8 \\
EG & 48.2&5.9 &{$<$D.L} &{$<$D.L}&45.7 &88.5 &11.3 &0.24\\
VM: volatile matter, FC: Fixed carbon, D.L: detention limit. All values are expressed in dry basis.
All reported values are given with an error of 1\% of the value.
$^\gamma$: Determined by difference: \%O = 100\% $-$ C\% $-$ H\% $-$ N\% $-$ S\% $-$ Ash\%.
$^\varphi$: Determined by difference: FC = 100\% $-$ VM\% $-$ Ash\%.