类 moderncv - \cvitem 从第二行缩进

类 moderncv - \cvitem 从第二行缩进

Class moderncv、stylebanking的缩进\cvitem设置为:

Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line
very long description that runs to the next line


Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
  that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line
  very long description that runs to the next line


以下是 MWE:

\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper, sans]{moderncv}
\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}



Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
       that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next 
       line very long description that runs to the next line


如果您 - 正如您的问题所示 - 只想将整个段落缩进一个小段落,您可以使用以下解决方案:

    \item[\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }] #3


\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper, sans]{moderncv}


    \item[\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }] #3

\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}
\mycvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}
\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}


