我正在尝试打开一个大花括号,其中包含 3 行 2 列。这将用于每页有 2 列的会议论文,因此从逻辑上讲,每列的宽度相对较小,因此括号中的第二列应该继续在下一行。但是,使用以下代码,它会继续绕过论文的另一列并与那里的文本重叠,如果乳胶位于论文的第二列,则其余文本会消失,而不是像下图一样继续在新行上:
\left \{
\(Val1 \thinspace \thinspace\) & This is the start of my long line that I want to see its continuation on the second line but it goes out of range of the page and does not appear at all\\
\(Val2 \thinspace \thinspace\) & Otherwise \\
\(Val3 \thinspace \thinspace\) & Otherwise \\
正如@JouleV 建议的那样:
\left \{
\(Val1 \thinspace \thinspace\) & This is the start of my long line that I want to see its continuation on the second line but it goes out of range of the page and does not appear at all\\
\(Val2 \thinspace \thinspace\) & Otherwise \\
\(Val3 \thinspace \thinspace\) & Otherwise \\
Val1 & \parbox[t]{9cm}{This is the start of my long line that I want to see its continuation on the second line but it goes out of range of the page and does not appear at all}\\
Val2 & \text{Otherwise} \\
Val3 & \text{Otherwise} \\