




我制作了彩色部分条Sharpie 的答案在这里

我想知道是否有可能(也许是手动的,但这是LaTeX,所以希望是自动的)调整部分10 Redoxreaktionen以与之对齐1 Stöchiometrie

我可以使用不平衡版本的multicol,但我认为这并不美观。实际上,使用不平衡环境(带有*)并不能消除此问题,因为17 Farben仍会位于目录标题栏中。

这是 MWE,我没有涵盖摘要的每个部分,但描述了我的问题:

\title{\textbf{GF\,CH: Themen für die mündliche Prüfung}}
\date{Montag, 1.7.2019}


  % Styling of header text is done using key/value options for TikZ nodes. See
  % section 16.4 of the PGF manual for a complete list of options that affect
  % text.
  headings/base/.style = {
    % Zap node seperation, set text width and alignment.
    outer sep = 0pt,
    % Trim off 2/3rd of an em to compensate for the inner xsep which spaces the
    % text nicely away from the left side, but causes the node to hang into the
    % right margin.
    text width = {\textwidth - 0.6666em},
    align = left,
    text = black,
  headings/section/.style = {
    fill = myorange!50,
    font = \sffamily\large
  headings/subsection/.style = {
    fill = myorange!25,
    font = \sffamily\large




\section{Die Geometrie von Teilchen}
\section{Zwischenpartikulare Kräfte}
\section{Das chemische Gleichgewicht}
\section{Beeinflussung von chemischen Gleichgewichten}
\section{Der pH-Wert} 
\section{Der (technische) Kalkkreislauf} 
\section{Mesomerie und Farbe}
\section{Nervengifte, Rauschgifte}



您似乎已使章节标题具有完整的文本宽度,因此如果您在 multicols 中使用 \tableofcontents,它自然会覆盖到右列(如果您使用 \twocolumn,则很可能相同)。

因此,您要么需要让标题使用 \columnwidth,要么必须重新定义 \tableofcontents,以便它调用 multicols 并将 \section*{...} 保留在其外部。我认为这就是您想要的。



\title{\textbf{GF\,CH: Themen für die mündliche Prüfung}}
\date{Montag, 1.7.2019}


  % Styling of header text is done using key/value options for TikZ nodes. See
  % section 16.4 of the PGF manual for a complete list of options that affect
  % text.
  headings/base/.style = {
    % Zap node seperation, set text width and alignment.
    outer sep = 0pt,
    % Trim off 2/3rd of an em to compensate for the inner xsep which spaces the
    % text nicely away from the left side, but causes the node to hang into the
    % right margin.
    text width = {\textwidth - 0.6666em},
    align = left,
    text = black,
  headings/section/.style = {
    fill = myorange!50,
    font = \sffamily\large
  headings/subsection/.style = {
    fill = myorange!25,
    font = \sffamily\large





\section{Die Geometrie von Teilchen}
\section{Zwischenpartikulare Kräfte}
\section{Das chemische Gleichgewicht}
\section{Beeinflussung von chemischen Gleichgewichten}
\section{Der pH-Wert} 
\section{Der (technische) Kalkkreislauf} 
\section{Mesomerie und Farbe}
\section{Nervengifte, Rauschgifte}

