

使用 \printanswers,我可以打印每个问题后面的所有答案。现在我想只打印答案而不打印问题。我需要这个,因为我只想上传答案,而不是网站上的问题。

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\section*{Maths Test  \# 1901 \rule{5.92cm}{.4pt}


\question What is the probability of picking an ace in two consecutive attempts in a 52 card deck?
\choice  $\displaystyle\frac{13}{221}$
\choice  $\displaystyle\frac{23}{221}$
\choice  $\displaystyle\frac{33}{221}$
\choice  $\displaystyle\frac{43}{221}$
\begin{solution} $(C)$.
In the first attempt, the chance not to get an ace is $48/52$. In the second one, the chance is $47/51$. Therefore, the chance not to get an ace in two consecutive attempts is $48*47/51*52=188/221$. Hence, the result must be $1-188/221=33/221$.

\question Given three points $A(1,5), B(4,1)$ and $C(5,8)$. What is the angle $\widehat{ACB}$?
\choice  $90$
\choice  $45$ %b
\choice  $60$
\choice  $120$
\begin{solution} $(B)$
We have $\overrightarrow{AB}=(3,-4)$ and $\overrightarrow{AC}=(4,3)$. Therefore, $ABC$ is an isosceles triangle with $\widehat{BAC}=90$. Thus, the answer is $\widehat{ACB}=45$.

\question Suppose the ball moves freely inside the square domain with constant speed and the reflection off the boundary elastic and subject to a familiar law: the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Put the ball at the center of the domain. At which angle $\alpha$ does the ball have to start so that it will hit one of the four corners of the domain?

\clip(-4.5,1.5) rectangle (2.5,8.5);
%\fill[line width=.4pt,fill=white] (2.,2.) -- (2.,8.) -- (-4.,8.) -- (-4.,2.) -- cycle;
\draw[line width=.4pt,color=black] (-0.6928530532823249,2.) -- (-0.6928530532823249,2.3071469467176757) -- (-1.,2.3071469467176757) -- (-1.,2.) -- cycle; 
\draw [shift={(-1.,5.)},line width=.6pt,color=black] (0,0) -- (270.:1) arc (270.:303.6900675259798:1) -- cycle;
\draw [line width=.6pt] (2.,2.)-- (2.,8.);
\draw [line width=.66pt] (2.,8.)-- (-4.,8.);
\draw [line width=.6pt] (-4.,8.)-- (-4.,2.);
\draw [line width=.6pt] (-4.,2.)-- (2.,2.);
\draw [line width=.6pt] (-1.,5.)-- (-1.,2.);
\draw [line width=.6pt] (-1.,5.)-- (1.,2.);
\draw[] (-0.1,4.6081570530868605) node {$\alpha$};

\choice  $\displaystyle\tan{\alpha}=\frac{1}{2017}$
\choice  $\displaystyle\tan{\alpha}=\frac{1}{2018}$ %b
\choice  $\displaystyle\tan{\alpha}=\frac{2}{2019}$
\choice  $\displaystyle\tan{\alpha}=2020$





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\section*{Maths Test  \# 1901 \rule{5.92cm}{.4pt}}
        What is the probability of picking an ace in two consecutive attempts in a 52 card deck?
    \begin{solution} $(C)$.
        In the first attempt, the chance not to get an ace is $48/52$.
        In the second one, the chance is $47/51$.
        Therefore, the chance not to get an ace in two consecutive attempts is $48*47/51*52=188/221$.
        Hence, the result must be $1-188/221=33/221$.

