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\title{Electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range $120K$ - $400K$}



We observed the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range between $200K$ and $400K$. It resulted to be linear in the whole range for Cu and Ni. The one of the Ge exhibited this linear behaviour only up to $300K$ showing an exponential decay above. We also estimated the energy gap $E_g$ of Ge which resulted to be equal to $E_g=$


The aim of this study is to observe the dependence of the electrical resistance of two metals, Copper and Nickel, and of a doped semiconductor, the Germanium, as a function of the temperature. Furthermore our measurements allowed us to estimate the energy gap of the Germanium.
 %The two metals showed a linear dependence while the semiconductor has two different behaviour. Through our measuments  

 The starting point of our discussion are ... 



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\title{Electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range $120K$ - $400K$}



We observed the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range between $200K$ and $400K$. It resulted to be linear in the whole range for Cu and Ni. The one of the Ge exhibited this linear behaviour only up to $300K$ showing an exponential decay above. We also estimated the energy gap $E_g$ of Ge which resulted to be equal to $E_g=$


The aim of this study is to observe the dependence of the electrical resistance of two metals, Copper and Nickel, and of a doped semiconductor, the Germanium, as a function of the temperature. Furthermore our measurements allowed us to estimate the energy gap of the Germanium.
 %The two metals showed a linear dependence while the semiconductor has two different behaviour. Through our measuments  

 The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... % <====================

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\title{Electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range $120K$ - $400K$}



We observed the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range between $200K$ and $400K$. It resulted to be linear in the whole range for Cu and Ni. The one of the Ge exhibited this linear behaviour only up to $300K$ showing an exponential decay above. We also estimated the energy gap $E_g$ of Ge which resulted to be equal to $E_g=$


The aim of this study is to observe the dependence of the electrical resistance of two metals, Copper and Nickel, and of a doped semiconductor, the Germanium, as a function of the temperature. Furthermore our measurements allowed us to estimate the energy gap of the Germanium.
 %The two metals showed a linear dependence while the semiconductor has two different behaviour. Through our measuments  

 The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... % <====================

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\title{Electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range $120K$ - $400K$}



We observed the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range between $200K$ and $400K$. It resulted to be linear in the whole range for Cu and Ni. The one of the Ge exhibited this linear behaviour only up to $300K$ showing an exponential decay above. We also estimated the energy gap $E_g$ of Ge which resulted to be equal to $E_g=$


The aim of this study is to observe the dependence of the electrical resistance of two metals, Copper and Nickel, and of a doped semiconductor, the Germanium, as a function of the temperature. Furthermore our measurements allowed us to estimate the energy gap of the Germanium.
 %The two metals showed a linear dependence while the semiconductor has two different behaviour. Through our measuments  

 The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... The starting point of our discussion are ... % <====================

\blindtext % <==========================================================





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\title{Electrical resistance of Cu, Ni and Ge in the range 120\,K to 400\,K}


We observed the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of \ce{Cu}, \ce{Ni} and \ce{Ge} in the range between \SIrange{200}{400}{\kelvin}. It resulted to be linear in the whole range for \ce{Cu} and \ce{Ni}. The one of the Ge exhibited this linear behaviour only up to $300K$ showing an exponential decay above. We also estimated the energy gap $E_g$ of Ge which resulted to be equal to $E_g=?$.


The aim of this study is to observe the dependence of the electrical resistance of two metals, Copper and Nickel, and of a doped semiconductor, the Germanium, as a function of the temperature. Furthermore our measurements allowed us to estimate the energy gap of the Germanium.


\section{The second section}
