\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}
\section{Section Name}
你可以和 Ti 一起拥有它钾Z 和explicit
\section{Section Name}
max width/.style={
execute at begin node={\begin{varwidth}{#1}},
execute at end node={\end{varwidth}}
{\tikz\node[draw,max width=\textwidth-.6666em-.4pt]{\Large\bfseries\thesection\hsp\textcolor{seccolor}{|}\hsp#1};}
\section{Section Name}
\section{This is a very long section name that has to be broken into two lines}
max width/.style={
execute at begin node={\begin{varwidth}{#1}},
execute at end node={\end{varwidth}}
{\tikz\node[draw,max width=\textwidth-.6666em-.4pt]{\Large\bfseries\thesection\hsp\textcolor{seccolor}{\textbar}\hsp#1};}
\section{Section Name}
max width/.style={
execute at begin node={\begin{varwidth}{#1}},
execute at end node={\end{varwidth}}
{\tikz[font=\Large\bfseries]{\node[draw,minimum height=.75cm] (x) {\thesection};\node[minimum height=.75cm,below right=0pt and 0pt of x.north west,draw,max width=\textwidth-.6666em-.4pt]{\hspace{.3333em}\phantom{\thesection}\hspace{.3333em}#1};}}
\section{Section Name}
\section{This is a very long section name that has to be broken into two lines}
\documentclass[10pt, a4paper,svgnames, twoside]{report}
\usepackage{array, tabulary}
\usepackage{blindtext, xcolor}
\titleformat{\section}[block]{\Large\bfseries\sffamily\setlength{\fboxrule}{1pt}\color{SlateGrey}}{}{0pt}{\fbox{\begin{tabulary}{\dimexpr\linewidth-\tabcolsep-\fboxrule}{@{}l!{\vline width 1.2pt}L}\thesection  \end{tabulary}} }
\section{Section Title. Some more more text to have a really very very long section title.}
\section{A much shorter section title}
让我们从基于 的简单解决方案开始\fbox
% For \section
\fbox{\thesection \hsp \textcolor{seccolor}{\textbar}\hsp #1}}
% For \section*
\titleformat{name=\section, numberless}[block]{\sectionFont}{}{0pt}{%
\chapter{Some chapter}
\section{Section title}
Foo bar.
\section*{Unnumbered section}
使用 TikZ 的更精细的解决方案
框架的环境是一个不错的选择。下面是可以这样做的示例。它实现了与以下类似的设计JouleV 的解决方案但尝试进行更清晰的定位,以确保节号的基线始终与节图块第一行的基线对齐。由于我们拥有 TikZ 的所有功能,我们还添加了一些只需几个关键字即可实现的花哨功能:rounded corners
,drop shadow
% Uncomment the following line if you use babel and have a recent enough TikZ:
% \usetikzlibrary{babel}
% Essentially taken from <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/482926/73317>
max width/.style={
execute at begin node={\begin{varwidth}[t]{#1}},
execute at end node={\end{varwidth}}
% Colors used for decorated section titles
% Horizontal spacing used for decorated section titles
% Boolean flag indicating whether we are working with a \section or a \section*
% High-level command for section decorations. Two variants: one for \section
% and one for \section*.
\@sectionDecoration\@nil % \@nil passed instead of the section number
% #1: the section number (\@nil if we are working for a \section*)
% #2: the section title
% The section number
\iftoggle{sectionDecoIsNumberedSec}{% case of \section
\node[inner xsep=\sectionDecoHsp, inner ysep=0, outer sep=0,
anchor=base west]
(section number) at (0,0)
{\strut #1};
}{% case of \section*
\node[inner sep=0, outer sep=0, anchor=base west]
(section number) at (0,0)
% The section title (which may occupy several lines)
\path let \p1 = ($(section number.east)-(section number.west)$),
\n1 = {\linewidth - veclen(\p1) - 2\sectionDecoHsp} in
node[inner xsep=\sectionDecoHsp, inner ysep=0, outer sep=0,
anchor=base west, max width=\n1]
(section title) at (section number.base east)
{\strut #2% Useful for testing: \rule{\n1}{1pt}%
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
% The frame around {section number + title}
\node[inner sep=0, outer sep=0, draw, line width=\sectionDecoRuleWidth,
rounded corners,
fit={([xshift=0.5\pgflinewidth]section number.north west)
([xshift=-0.5\pgflinewidth]section title.south east)},
color=sectionDecoRuleColor, fill=sectionDecoBgColor, drop shadow]
(frame) {};
% The vertical line between section number and section title
\iftoggle{sectionDecoIsNumberedSec}{% case of \section
\draw[color=sectionDecoRuleColor, line width=\sectionDecoRuleWidth,
line cap=butt]
([yshift=-0.5\pgflinewidth]section title.north west) --
([yshift=0.5\pgflinewidth]section title.south west);
}{% no such line in the case of \section*
% Display key points (only useful for debugging)
% \begin{scope}[overlay]
% \path[radius=1pt, fill=red] (section number.north west) circle {}
% (section number.north east) circle {};
% \node[draw,circle,green, inner sep=1.6pt] at (section title.north west) {};
% \end{scope}
% For \section
% For \section*
\titleformat{name=\section, numberless}[block]{\sectionTitleFont}{}{0pt}{%
\chapter{Some chapter}
\section{A short section title}
\section{A very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very
long section title}
Foo bar.
\section*{An unnumbered section}