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\hypersetup{urlcolor=black, colorlinks=true} % Colors hyperlinks in blue - change to black if annoyingv`    
\title{\ttitle} % Defines the thesis title - don't touch this

This mode is defined as IEEE 802.11 networking framework where different wireless nodes communicate with each other through a centralized controlling point, known as Access Point (AP). This AP acts as a bridge between the existing infrastructure (i.e. wired network) and the various wireless nodes wishing to communicate \cite{I6,I7}. There is no direct communication between wireless nodes as shown in \ref{f2}. The network services are delivered to the wireless nodes by the access point which is further connected to the predefined infrastructure consisting of wired nodes and gateways. Most of the corporate wireless LAN’s are connected in infrastructure mode because they need to get access to the wired LAN to use the printers and file servers. Cellular networks and satellite networks are typical examples of this wireless mode.

\lhead{\emph{Bibliography}} % Change the page header to say "Bibliography"

\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} % Use the "custom" BibTeX style for formatting the Bibliography

\bibliography{Bibliography} % The references (bibliography) information are stored in the file named "Bibliography.bib"


我的 bib 文件的两个条目Bibliography.bib

 title={Wireless communications},
 author={Goldsmith, Andrea},
 publisher={Cambridge university press},
 title={Wireless and mobile network architectures},
 author={Lin, Yi-Bang and Chlamtac, Imrich},
 publisher={John Wiley \& Sons}


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%% Created by Steve R. Gunn, modified by Sunil Patel: www.sunilpatel.co.uk
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                {Department of Civil Engineering}} % Your department's name - used in the title page and abstract
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        Thesis supervisor:  \textbf{\supname}\\
        Month and year of thesis submission: \textbf{{\large \today}\\[0.4cm] }
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\vskip 60\p@
\begin{center}{\Large \sl #1}\end{center}




然后我可以使用命令\mycite{test}以粗体形式打印对 bib 条目的引用test


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside]{book} % Thesis      Paper size, default font size and one-sided paper

\titlespacing*{\paragraph}{\parindent}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{.75ex plus .1ex}
\titlespacing*{\subparagraph}{\parindent}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{.75ex plus .1ex}

% for better rules in the table
% prints author names as small caps
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered version of "X" type
%\usepackage{subcaption} %incompatible with subfig
\graphicspath{{Pictures/}} % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored
\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} % Use the natbib reference package - read up on this to edit the reference style; if you want text (e.g. Smith et al., 2012) for the in-text references (instead of numbers), remove 'numbers' v

\usepackage{hyperref} % <===============================================
\hypersetup{urlcolor=black, colorlinks=true} % Colors hyperlinks in blue - change to black if annoyingv`    
\title{\ttitle} % Defines the thesis title - don't touch this

\newcommand{\mycite}[1]{\textbf{\cite{#1}}} % <=========================

This mode is defined as IEEE 802.11 networking framework where different 
wireless nodes communicate with each other through a centralized 
controlling point, known as Access Point (AP). This AP acts as a bridge 
between the existing infrastructure (i.e. wired network) and the various 
wireless nodes wishing to communicate \textbf{\cite{I6,I7}}. There is no direct % <=============
wireless nodes wishing to communicate \mycite{I6,I7}. There is no direct % <====================
communication between wireless nodes as shown in \ref{f2}. The network 
services are delivered to the wireless nodes by the access point which 
is further connected to the predefined infrastructure consisting of 
wired nodes and gateways. Most of the corporate wireless LAN’s are 
connected in infrastructure mode because they need to get access to the 
wired LAN to use the printers and file servers. Cellular networks and 
satellite networks are typical examples of this wireless mode.

\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} % Use the "custom" BibTeX style for formatting the Bibliography
\bibliography{Bibliography} % The references (bibliography) information are stored in the file named "Bibliography.bib"



