

我在某些数学期刊的 latex 文件中看到了一些不错的功能,我想在自己的 .tex 文件中创建该功能。现在,我可以写


这将生成一个编号的方程式。在其他地方,我可以引用“ Equation \ref{eq:STUFF}”,它会帮我处理编号。这是我正在寻找的新功能:我希望能够编写

   For example, this theorem is Theorem 2.5.1 because it is the first theorem in the fifth subsection of the second section.

我希望能够写入“ Theorem \ref{thm:LATEX}”,并让我的 PDF 使用以下格式的定理编号构建:[Section].[Subsection].[Item],在本例中为“2.5.1”。


     Proof of the above numbered theorem.

我将其称为“定理 \ref{thm:LATEX} 的证明”,并且我不希望项目计数器计算证明,因此证明之后的项目将是项目“2.5.2”

下面是我的 TEX 文件,其中包含我想要的内容的注释:

\usepackage{graphicx}  % needed for figures
\usepackage{bm}        % for math
\usepackage{amssymb}   % for math

\title{{\LARGE{ \textbf{Proof of Latex}}}}

\author{\Large{Hodor P. Bojangleton}}




\section{SECTION 1}

Currently this starts with 0 because it is counting the chapters, but I only want to use sections and subsections.  I need to get rid of the counting for chapters.

Items in this space should be numbered 1.0.X

Here I create and equation with the "begin/end" syntax that I want for my new commands.


I want to add a zero for the subsection in the numbering of Equation \ref{eq:111}. 

\subsection{SUBSECTION 1.1}

Here we have the 0 chapter number than I want to get rid of.

Items in this space should be numbered 1.1.X

I want the item name and number to appear aesthetically like:\newline

\noindent {\Large \textbf{Theorem 1.1.1}} After I write "begin theorem" to mimic the "begin equation" functionality that I already have, I want the text I write between "begin" and "end" to show up on the same line as the large bold theorem header.\newline

\noindent {\Large \textit{Proof.}}  This is an unnumbered proof of the above theorem.\newline

\noindent {\Large \textbf{Lemma 1.1.2}} The item counter did not increment for the proof.

\section{SECTION 2}

Items in this space should be numbered 2.0.X

\subsection{SUBSECTION 2.1}

Items in this space should be numbered 2.1.X

\subsection{SUBSECTION 2.2}

Items in this space should be numbered 2.2.X




\usepackage[amsmath, thmmarks, thref]{ntheorem}

\defaultfontfeatures{Scale = MatchLowercase}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
\setmathfont[range=\QED]{XITS Math}




We will introduce theorem \thref{thm:112} shortly.  Wait for it!

\subsection*{The Theorem}\label{subsec:01}

\begin{Theorem}[An Exercise in Peano Arithmetic]\label{thm:112}[Theorem]
When I was young and brash, I would always ask on the first day of every math
class I took, “Is this where we finally learn why \(1+1=2\)?”

One day, a classmate said to me, “You \textbf{do} know that one plus one is \textbf{defined} as two?”

When I told this story later, it kicked off an argument over whether he should’ve said, “Two is defined as one plus one.”

Thus, by definition, \( 1 + 1 = 2 \).



这并不是最基本的,我对你的模板做了一些改动。特别是,我加载unicode-math并设置了 QED 符号为某些版本中使用的“墓碑”。计算机编程艺术


