向 latex beamer 添加注释并查看它们

向 latex beamer 添加注释并查看它们


有一个创建带有附加注释的 beamer 演示文稿的 MWE。



% These slides also contain speaker notes. You can print just the slides,
% just the notes, or both, depending on the setting below. Comment out the want
% you want.

%\setbeameroption{hide notes} % Only slides
%\setbeameroption{show only notes} % Only notes
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right} % Both

% To give a presentation with the Skim reader (http://skim-app.sourceforge.net) on OSX so
% that you see the notes on your laptop and the slides on the projector, do the following:
% 1. Generate just the presentation (hide notes) and save to slides.pdf
% 2. Generate onlt the notes (show only nodes) and save to notes.pdf
% 3. With Skim open both slides.pdf and notes.pdf
% 4. Click on slides.pdf to bring it to front.
% 5. In Skim, under "View -> Presentation Option -> Synhcronized Noted Document"
%    select notes.pdf.
% 6. Now as you move around in slides.pdf the notes.pdf file will follow you.
% 7. Arrange windows so that notes.pdf is in full screen mode on your laptop
%    and slides.pdf is in presentation mode on the projector.

% Give a slight yellow tint to the notes page
\setbeamertemplate{note page}{\pagecolor{yellow!5}\insertnote}\usepackage{palatino}

\title{How to make Beamer slides with notes}
\author{Andrej Bauer\\University of Ljubljana}
\date{\small Planet Earth}



  \note[item]{Thank the audience for being awake.}


  \item Here are
  \item some very boring bullets
  \item about nothing.

  \note[item]{Note that this slide is boring.}

  \note[item]{Observe that there are no actual bullets here.}

  \note[item]{Future work: add another bullet.}



%To give a presentation with the Skim reader (http://skim-app.sourceforge.net) %on OSX so
% that you see the notes on your laptop and the slides on the projector, do %the following:
% 1. Generate just the presentation (hide notes) and save to slides.pdf
% 2. Generate onlt the notes (show only nodes) and save to notes.pdf
% 3. With Skim open both slides.pdf and notes.pdf
% 4. Click on slides.pdf to bring it to front.
% 5. In Skim, under "View -> Presentation Option -> Synhcronized Noted Document"
%    select notes.pdf.
% 6. Now as you move around in slides.pdf the notes.pdf file will follow you.
% 7. Arrange windows so that notes.pdf is in full screen mode on your laptop
%    and slides.pdf is in presentation mode on the projector.

有哪些(Ubuntu 和 Windows)的 Skim 替代品(仅适用于 Mac)?一般来说,如何仅使用传统的 pdf 查看器(例如 Windows 的 Adob​​e、Ubuntu 的 Okular)进行操作?非常感谢!


pympress效果非常好 - 一款跨平台的软件,可以在两个单独的窗口中查看幻灯片和笔记。参见 https://web.archive.org/web/20200926120718/https://www.scivision.dev/beamer-latex-dual-display-pdf-notes/

一般来说,请查看第 19 章beamer 用户指南在笔记上。
