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%Let's call this picture 1:

\caption{Scree plot for Principal Component Analysis}


%Let's call this picture 2:

\caption{Loading plot for Principal Component Analysis}


%Let's call this picture 3:

\caption{Score plot after dimensions reduced through Principal Component Analysis}


%Let's all this picture 4.

\caption{Modified Mercalli intensity}


% Let's call this picture 5.

\caption{Village-level MMI histogram}


%This is the table.    

\caption{Effect of MMI on probability of occurrence of various earthquake-induced factors}
\begin{tabular} {@{} l *{8}{c} @{}}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) \\
& Temporary & Severely & Low & Water source & Serious & Loss of & Falling\\
& shelter & damaged & yield & damaged & illness & employment & ag prices\\
\emph{Independent variables}\\[1ex]
MMI & 0.298*** & 0.190*** & 0.156*** & 0.187*** & 0.031* & 0.010** & 0.089*** \\
 & (0.025) & (0.035) & (0.006) & (0.029) & (0.003) & (0.004) & (0.020)\\[1ex]

N       & 1,652 & 860 & 1,652 & 1,652 & 4,076 & 4,076 & 4,056\\
R\textsuperscript{2} & 0.621 & 0.851 & 0.562 & 0.664 & 0.260 & 0.031 & 0.285\\
\item[a] The regressions use robust standard errors clustered at village level. ***p $<$ 0.01 **p $<$ 0.05 *p $<$ 0.1.
\item[b] No controls were added in the regressions, as the earthquake is totally exegenous to the occurrence of incidents taken as dependent variables.




图片 1 表格 图片 2 图片 3 图片 4 图片 5

我使用了\clearpage而不是,\pagebreak因为其中一些图片出现在同一页上(例如,图片 2 和图片 3),而后一个命令不起作用。

