在 ConTeXt APA 样式书目中显示书籍页码

在 ConTeXt APA 样式书目中显示书籍页码

我使用 APA 格式来编写参考书目(比 APS 格式更能覆盖@film条目)。在法国人文主义书目中,通常需要提供书籍的页码。

我看见这篇 TEX SE 帖子一个包含一些字段的 .bib 示例pagetotal,这让我很惊讶,因为这个示例没有在 Hans Hagen 和 Alan Braslau 的“参考书目。ConTeXt 方式”中记录。无论如何,这个字段没有显示在我的参考书目中。

我该如何调整 APA 样式以使其显示?我阅读了文档的自定义渲染章节,但不知道如何完成。



   editor = {Martin Ivernel and Benjamin Villemagne and Jean Hubac},
   title = {Histoire Géographie EMC 5\high{ème}, cycle 4},
   publisher = {Hatier},
   address = {Paris},
   year = {2016},
   pagetotal = {398},
   language = {french}
   author = {Geneviève Bührer-Thierry},
   title = {L’Europe carolingienne (714--888)},
   publisher = {SEDES},
   address = {Paris},
   year = {1999},
   pagetotal = {192},
   language = {french}
        editor = {Matthias Puhle and Claus-Peter Hasse},
        title = {Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962--1806},
        subtitle = {Von Otto dem Grossen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters},
        publisher = {Sandstein Verlag},
        address = {Dresde},
        language = {german},
        pagetotal = {515},
        year = {2006}




根据@Henri Menke的建议,我决定创建自己的风格,遵循iso690规范。我将在几天内提交此模块。这里我仅给出添加页面所需的步骤。


这是 publ-imp-mydefault.lua。对默认样式的唯一更改(除了剥离)是我"pages"在 book 中添加了一个字段。

return {
    -- derived (combinations of) fields (all share the same default set)
    virtual = {
    -- special datatypes
    types = {
        author   = "author",     -- interpreted as name(s)
        editor   = "author",     -- interpreted as name(s)
        page     = "pagenumber", -- number or range: f--t -- maybe just range
        pages    = "pagenumber", -- number or range: f--t -- maybe just range
        volume   = "range",      -- number or range: f--t
        number   = "range",      -- number or range: f--t
        keywords = "keyword",    -- comma|-|separated list
    -- categories with their specific fields
    categories = {
        book = {
            sets = {
                author     = { "author", "editor", },
                editionset = { "edition", "volume", "number" },
            required = {
            optional = {
                "author", -- a set
                "publisher", "address",

这是 p-publ-imp-mydefault.mkiv




  [\c!default=, % we do not want to fall|-|back on ourself.














% First some helpers:

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:composed-title
        \btxdoif {subtitle} {

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:title
    \btxdoif {title} {
        \btxstartstyleandcolor [default:list:title:\currentbtxcategory]
            \btxusecommand [default:list:title:\currentbtxcategory] {

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:author
    \btxdoif {author} {
        \doif {\btxfoundname{author}} {editor} {
            \btxsingularorplural {editor} {
            } {

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:year

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:editionset
    \btxdoif {editionset} {
        \doif {\btxfoundname{editionset}} {edition} {
        \btxdoif {volume} {
            \btxoneorrange {volume} {
            } {
        \btxdoifelse {number} {
        } {

\starttexdefinition btx:mydefault:publisher
    \btxdoif {publisher} {
    \btxdoif {address} {

\starttexdefinition unexpanded btx:mydefault:pages
    \btxdoif {pages} {

% Then a minimal number of setups:

\startsetups btx:mydefault:list:book



\starttexdefinition unexpanded btx:mydefault:pages
    \btxdoif {pages} {


所以现在,如果我继续这个 MWE(我只在缓冲区保留了一本书,这已经足够长了)



   author = {Geneviève Bührer-Thierry},
   title = {L’Europe carolingienne (714--888)},
   publisher = {SEDES},
   address = {Paris},
   year = {1999},
   pages = {192},
   language = {french}

\usebtxdefinitions [mydefault]




原始 ConTeXt 文件publ-imp-default.luapubl-imp-default.mkvi代码是 BSD 许可证(如果我理解得没错的话)并且归 ConTeXt 开发小组所有。
