






我们在 TEX.SX 上已经有此类云的例子: 云示例






    \node [cloud, fill=blue!5, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, 
       aspect=1.5, inner ysep=1em]{\parbox{1in}{\raggedright#1}};

This is a test\margincloud{My marginnote of some length} of a cloudy
marginpar.  I will continue to write so as to make sure that the line
is appropriately set at the right height. \lipsum[1]

Now I get to try it again, to see if it still works.  Let us do it here%
\margincloud{I would like a longer marginnote to see how this works}
and see. \lipsum[2]

Finally, we get to try it one last time on the page.  I will work
my way a bit into the paragraph, in order to see if that makes any
difference at all.  Ok, we prepare for this final test of the page.
Here goes...\margincloud{Boo!} \lipsum[3]


根据 OP 的要求,带有点状连接器的版本:

\def\dotfill#1{\cleaders\hbox to #1{\scalebox{1.4}{.}}\hfill}
\newcommand\dotline[2][.5em]{\leavevmode\hbox to #2{\dotfill{#1}\hfil}}
    \node [cloud, fill=blue!5, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, 
       aspect=1.5, inner ysep=1em]{\parbox{1in}{\raggedright#1}};
This is a test\margincloud{My marginnote of some length} of a cloudy
marginpar.  I will continue to write so as to make sure that the line
is appropriately set at the right height. \lipsum[1]

Now I get to try it again, to see if it still works.  Let us do it here%
\margincloud{I would like a longer marginnote to see how this works}
and see. \lipsum[2]

Finally, we get to try it one last time on the page.  I will work
my way a bit into the paragraph, in order to see if that makes any
difference at all.  Ok, we prepare for this final test of the page.
Here goes...\margincloud{Boo!} \lipsum[3]



\def\dotfill#1#2{\cleaders\hbox to #1{\scalebox{#2}{$\circ$}}\hfill}
\newcommand\dotline[3][.6em]{\leavevmode\hbox to #2{\dotfill{#1}{#3}\hfil}}
    \node [cloud, fill=blue!5, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, 
       aspect=1.5, inner ysep=1em]{\parbox{1in}{\raggedright#1}};
This is a test\margincloud{My marginnote of some length} of a cloudy
marginpar.  I will continue to write so as to make sure that the line
is appropriately set at the right height. \lipsum[1]

Now I get to try it again, to see if it still works.  Let us do it here%
\margincloud{I would like a longer marginnote to see how this works}
and see. \lipsum[2]

Finally, we get to try it one last time on the page.  I will work
my way a bit into the paragraph, in order to see if that makes any
difference at all.  Ok, we prepare for this final test of the page.
Here goes...\margincloud{Boo!} \lipsum[3]


补充双面版本(使用线条,根据 OP 要求)

\def\dotfill#1#2{\xleaders\hbox to #1{\scalebox{#2}{$\circ$}}\hfill}
\newcommand\dotline[3][.6em]{\leavevmode\hbox to #2{\dotfill{#1}{#3}\hfil}}
    \node [cloud, fill=blue!5, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, 
       aspect=1.5, inner ysep=1em]{\parbox{1in}{\raggedright#1}};
    \node [cloud, fill=blue!5, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, 
       aspect=1.5, inner ysep=1em]{\parbox{1in}{\raggedright#1}};

This is a test\margincloud{My marginnote of some length} of a cloudy
marginpar.  I will continue to write so as to make sure that the line
is appropriately set at the right height. \lipsum[1]

Now I get to try it again, to see if it still works.  Let us do it here%
\margincloud{I would like a longer marginnote to see how this works}
and see. \lipsum[2]

Finally, we get to try it one last time on the page.  I will work
my way a bit into the paragraph, in order to see if that makes any
difference at all.  Ok, we prepare for this final test of the page.
Here goes...\margincloud{Boo!} \lipsum[3]

This is a test\margincloud{My marginnote of some length} of a cloudy
marginpar.  I will continue to write so as to make sure that the line
is appropriately set at the right height. \lipsum[1]

Now I get to try it again, to see if it still works.  Let us do it here%
\margincloud{I would like a longer marginnote to see how this works}
and see. \lipsum[2]

Finally, we get to try it one last time on the page.  I will work
my way a bit into the paragraph, in order to see if that makes any
difference at all.  Ok, we prepare for this final test of the page.
Here goes...\margincloud{Boo!} \lipsum[3]




\tikzset{thought dots/.style={decoration={markings,
      mark=between positions 4pt and 0.95 step 9pt
        \draw (0,0) circle[radius=2pt];
Standard philosophy $\displaystyle (M,\sigma_M)
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\path[thought dots] (n) -- ++(0.5,-1) node[below,cloud,draw,align=center,aspect=2,inner sep=0pt]{study structure\\
of sets by studying\\ maps between them};



\tikzset{thought dots/.style={decoration={markings,
      mark=between positions 4pt and 0.95 step 9pt
        \draw (0,0) circle[radius=2pt];
},decorate},iCloud/.style={cloud,draw,align=center,aspect=2,inner sep=0pt}}
\section{Measurable maps}
Standard philosophy $\displaystyle (M,\sigma_M)

\tikzmarknode[iCloud]{nn}{study structure\\
of sets by studying\\ maps between them}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\path[thought dots] (n) -- (nn);
$\triangleright$ measurable maps

a map $f:M\to N$ is called measurable if \dots \lipsum[1]




\tikzset{thought dots/.style={decoration={markings,
      mark=between positions 4pt and 1-4pt step 9pt
        \draw (0,0) circle[radius=2pt];
},decorate},iCloud/.style={cloud,draw,align=center,aspect=2,inner sep=0pt}}
\newcommand{\AddThought}[3][]{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\node[iCloud,anchor=west,#1] (cloud-\number\value{clouds}) at 
(#2.south-|current page text area.east)
\path[thought dots] (#2) -- (cloud-\number\value{clouds});
\section{Measurable maps}
Standard philosophy $\displaystyle (M,\sigma_M)
\AddThought{n}{study structure\\
of sets by studying\\ maps between them}

$\triangleright$ measurable maps

a map $f:M\to N$ is called measurable if \dots \lipsum[1]

Something about \tikzmarknode{d}{ducks}
\AddThought[yshift=-1cm]{d}{Why always\\
ducks? Don't we\\ have enough\\ ducks?}


