PSfrags 不工作

PSfrags 不工作

我在 Powerpoint 中创建了一个绘图并将其保存为 .pdf

然后我将其转换为 .eps

然而尝试使用 psfrag 似乎不起作用:

尝试 1

pdflatex --shell-escape





尝试 2

pdflatex --shell-escape


输出: 在此处输入图片描述

尝试 3

latex dvips ps2pdf

我使用 quickbuild




设置: 在此处输入图片描述


如何替换用 powerpoint 创建的图像中的文本?

编辑:eps 文件的一部分

/DeviceGray {} cs
[0] sc
/DeviceGray {} CS
[0] SC
/F8_0 18 Tf
0] Tj
%%+ font BCDEEE+Calibri

edit2:更多 eps 文件

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} def
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} def
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dup 101 /e put
dup 102 /f put
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dup 105 /i put
dup 106 /j put
dup 107 /k put
dup 108 /l put
dup 109 /m put
dup 110 /n put
dup 111 /o put
dup 112 /p put
dup 113 /q put
dup 114 /r put
dup 115 /s put
dup 116 /t put
dup 117 /u put
dup 118 /v put
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dup 125 /braceright put
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dup 132 /quotedblbase put
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dup 135 /daggerdbl put
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dup 137 /perthousand put
dup 138 /Scaron put
dup 139 /guilsinglleft put
dup 140 /OE put
dup 141 /bullet put
dup 142 /Zcaron put
dup 143 /bullet put
dup 144 /bullet put
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dup 146 /quoteright put
dup 147 /quotedblleft put
dup 148 /quotedblright put
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dup 181 /mu put
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dup 184 /cedilla put
dup 185 /onesuperior put
dup 186 /ordmasculine put
dup 187 /guillemotright put
dup 188 /onequarter put
dup 189 /onehalf put
dup 190 /threequarters put
dup 191 /questiondown put
dup 192 /Agrave put
dup 193 /Aacute put
dup 194 /Acircumflex put
dup 195 /Atilde put
dup 196 /Adieresis put
dup 197 /Aring put
dup 198 /AE put
dup 199 /Ccedilla put
dup 200 /Egrave put
dup 201 /Eacute put
dup 202 /Ecircumflex put
dup 203 /Edieresis put
dup 204 /Igrave put
dup 205 /Iacute put
dup 206 /Icircumflex put
dup 207 /Idieresis put
dup 208 /Eth put
dup 209 /Ntilde put
dup 210 /Ograve put
dup 211 /Oacute put
dup 212 /Ocircumflex put
dup 213 /Otilde put
dup 214 /Odieresis put
dup 215 /multiply put
dup 216 /Oslash put
dup 217 /Ugrave put
dup 218 /Uacute put
dup 219 /Ucircumflex put
dup 220 /Udieresis put
dup 221 /Yacute put
dup 222 /Thorn put
dup 223 /germandbls put
dup 224 /agrave put
dup 225 /aacute put
dup 226 /acircumflex put
dup 227 /atilde put
dup 228 /adieresis put
dup 229 /aring put
dup 230 /ae put
dup 231 /ccedilla put
dup 232 /egrave put
dup 233 /eacute put
dup 234 /ecircumflex put
dup 235 /edieresis put
dup 236 /igrave put
dup 237 /iacute put
dup 238 /icircumflex put
dup 239 /idieresis put
dup 240 /eth put
dup 241 /ntilde put
dup 242 /ograve put
dup 243 /oacute put
dup 244 /ocircumflex put
dup 245 /otilde put
dup 246 /odieresis put
dup 247 /divide put
dup 248 /oslash put
dup 249 /ugrave put
dup 250 /uacute put
dup 251 /ucircumflex put
dup 252 /udieresis put
dup 253 /yacute put
dup 254 /thorn put
dup 255 /ydieresis put
readonly def
/CharStrings 256 dict dup begin
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end readonly def
/sfnts [


Tj操作符(将在 EPS 标头中定义)正在实现同名的 PDF 操作符,并且可能根据xshow(在应用字母间字距调整时显示 PostScript 字符串)进行定义。如前所述在先前的回答中 psfrag永远不会重载,xshow因此您可以通过替换它来简化代码,show或者直接替换

(A) [10.422 0] Tj


(A) show


(这都是很久以前的事了,但我不明白为什么psfrag不能重载xshow定义它来忽略数组而只将字符串视为处理字符串参数show,这样可以节省手动编辑 EPS 文件的时间。)
