在撰写论文的简短版本时,我使用了小册子包。不幸的是,我在目录中的页码编号方面遇到了问题。确切地说,所有页码都显示 (iii),这实际上是放置目录的页面,而不是该部分的正确页码。当我 %%“\usepackage 小册子”时,问题就消失了。
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\newcommand\DissTitle{Behavioural analysis of drivers in Czech Republic with respect to Variable Speed Limit system.}
\newcommand\FirstandFamilyName{Michał Matowicki}
\newcommand\Email{[email protected]}
\newcommand\PhDProgram{Engineering Informatics of Transportation and Communication}
\newcommand\Department{Department of Applied Mathematics}
\newcommand\Faculty{Faculty of Transportation sciences}
\newcommand\University{Czech Technical University in Prague}
\newcommand\Address{removed for privacy, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic}
\newcommand\Supervisor{prof. Ing. removed for privacy Ph.D.}
\newcommand\SupervisorEmail{[email protected]}
%-> remove comments if you have thesis co-supervisor
%\newcommand\CoSupervisor{removed for.privacy}
%Computer Science and Engineering Department\\
%Faculty of Electrical Engineering\\
%Czech Technical University in Prague\\
%Karlovo n\'{a}m.~13\\
%121 35 Prague 2\\
%Czech Republic}
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Doctoral Degree Study Program: \PhDProgram
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\ifx\PhDSpecialization\undefined\relax\else{Specialisation: \PhDSpecialization}\fi
Dissertation thesis statement for obtaining \\ the academic title of ``Doctor'' abbreviated to ``Ph.D.''
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\Location, \Month~\Year}
\noindent The dissertation thesis was written during full-time doctoral study at the \Department, \Faculty{} of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
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\noindent\hbox to 3cm{\hbox{Ph.D. Candidate:}\hss}\parbox[t]{8cm}{\FirstandFamilyName\\
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\noindent\hbox to 3cm{\hbox{Supervisor:}\hss}\parbox[t]{8cm}{%
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\noindent\hbox to 3cm{\hbox{Reviewers:}\hss}\parbox[t]{8cm}{%
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\noindent The dissertation thesis statement was distributed on April 19, 2019.
\noindent The defence of the dissertation thesis will be held before the Committee for the presentation and defence of the dissertation thesis in the doctoral degree study program Engineering Informatics of Transportation and Communication \ifx\PhDSpecialization\undefined\relax\else{in the \PhDSpecialization{} specialisation}\fi\\
on June 14th 2019 in the Department of Applied Mathematics the meeting room No. 3 .
\noindent In accordance with Para. 8 of Art. 30 of the Study and Examination Regulations for Students of the CTU, those who are interested may look into the dissertation thesis and make notes, copies, or duplicates from it at their own expense. A copy of the dissertation thesis is available in the Science and Research Office of the \Faculty{}, room No. K210.
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.\\
Chairman of the Committee for the presentation and defence of the dissertation thesis
\ifx\PhDSpecialization\undefined\relax\else{\\ in the \PhDSpecialization{} specialization}\fi\\
% \Department\\
Konviktská 20, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
\section{Introduction and Motivation}
The need for deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in a modern transport network is a widely accepted fact nowadays. A simple idea behind it is that there is no more space for further construction of wider road...