



\ProvidesClass{iseg-general}[General template for written work at ISEG]

\LoadClass [12pt,a4paper,oneside]{article}

% Set font type to 'Times New Roman'.

% Portuguese accents just in case.


\addbibresource{bibliography.bib}% Syntax for version >= 1.2

% English language.

% appendix




% Set margins to 3cm.
\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm, left=3cm, right=3cm]{geometry}

% Change margins command.

% Paragraph indentation.

% Set vertical spacing to 1.5 lines.

% Page headers and footers customisation.
    % Set left header to footnotesize (10pt) and upper cases.
\lhead{\textsf{\scriptsize \textsc{\@author}}}
    % Set left header to footnotesize (10pt) and upper cases.
\rhead{\textsf{\scriptsize \textsc{\@title}}}
    % Set centred footer to page number.

% Customise chapters, sections, subsections, and subsubsections.
    % Set chapters' titles to upper cases and centred.
  {\thechapter.\ }
  \usepackage{etoolbox}% Stop chapters from starting at new page.
    % Set sections' titles to upper cases and centred.
    % Set subsections' titles to italic and centred.
    % Idem for subsubsections' titles.

% Link objects (e.g. tables, figures, pages) in the body of text.

% Build a glossary.
  % Define, e.g. acronyms (\newacronym{<label>}{<abbrv>}{<full>}).
  % Use \gls{<label>} command to call the acronym in the text. On first use the \gls command will display "<full> (<abbrv>)". On subsequent uses only the abbreviation will be displayed.

% Customize table of contents.
%   \addto\captionsenglish{%
%   \renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hfill\normalfont\scshape\normalsize Table of Contents\hfill}
%   }

 % \renewcommand{\contentsname}%
  %  {\scshape Table of Contents}%

%Customise tables.
\renewcommand*\thetable{\Roman{table}}% Roman Numerals Tables
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\tablename}{\textsc{Table}}}% Full Caps Tables
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\figurename}{\textsc{Figure}}}% Full Caps Figures







        {\textsf{\Large Macroeconomics}} \\ [1cm]
         {\textsf{\Large 2018/2020}} \\ [3cm]
       {\textsf{\Large \@title }} \\ [2cm] % <- delete the  irrelevant parts
     {\uppercase{\Large \@title }} \\ [1.5cm] % <- write here the title of your thesis
     {\uppercase{\Large \@author }}  \\ [2cm]% <- write here the title of your thesis
     \underline{Author:} \\
         {\textsf{\Large ISEG, 29th  December 2018}}  % <- write here the date


在 \begin{titlepage} 范围内,我希望能够打印我的自定义变量,并使其中一些具有条件,例如,如果未定义某些变量,TeX 不应抛出任何错误。
