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Theoretical fundamentals of the mechanism of electromagnetic field emission from rock samples subjected to destructive axial load are presented. The paper describes the construction of a measuring system designed for testing the nature of electromagnetic emission from rock samples subjected to axial load, giving the sensitivity of receivers required for recording weak electrical and magnetic signals. Time courses and spectra of electromagnetic fields emitted from selected rock samples, such as hard coal, sandstone, dolomite and magnesite, under conditions of destructive load on the studied objects were presented. These studies can be used to develop and implement an early warning system for mine bumps, rock formation break downs and landslide movements.


\section{The mechanism of electromagnetic emission from rock samples under load}


We can express (Plewa and Plewa 1992):
\vec{P}=Z_p\cdot d_p+\varepsilon_0\cdot \chi_r\cdot\vec{E}
e_s=Z_p\cdot s+d_p\cdot\vec{E}


The process of emission of electromagnetic fields, mainly from rocks without quartz crystals in their structure, which include, among others, hard coal, is explained on the example of a network of micro-cracks formed under the influence of compressive force, whose fractures are performed by oscillatory vibrations (Gong et al 2006, Krumbholz et al 2012, Rabinovitch et al 2000, Rabinovitch et al 2003, Rabinovitch et al 2007). This mechanism concerns micro-cracks of sizes from hundredths to several millimetres (Takeuchi and Nagahama 2006). An electric diagram of a single micro-crack is shown in figure 1 (Koktavy and Sikula 2004). As you can see, the system is composed of a capacitor with a capacity of C, the covers of which perform vibrations damped around the stable position $d$. One cover is grounded and the other one is loaded with
resistance $R$.\\

\caption{Electrical schematics of micro-cracks (Koktavy and Sikula 2004)}

Assuming that the edges of micro-cracks are endowed with an heteronymous electrical charge (Sharma et al 2018) and starting from the law of conservation of energy, we can write (Koktavy and Sikula 2004) for the micro-cracks formed in the rock structure:


