如何将 flushleft 和 flushright 排列在一起?

如何将 flushleft 和 flushright 排列在一起?
%% Header Footer

\fancyfoot[R]{ \thepage\ } 



    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node [anchor=south west,inner sep=0] at (current page header area.north west) 

\begin{document}%Opening Statement


            \textsc {\LARGE Master Thesis\\
            \ in\\
        \ M.Sc. Mechanical Enginnnering \\}


            \textsc{\LARGE Development of Method for FEA \\
                \ of the x xxxx\\}

            \textsc{\Large Shubham xxxx \\
            \ Matriculation Number xxxx \\}     
        \textsc{ Second Examiner \\
        \ Mr. xxxx \\
    \ Construction Department \\
\ xxxx forschungs und entwicklungs GmbH \\
\ Rebenring xx \\
\ xxxxx Braunschweig \\}
            \textsc{ Supervising Professor (First Examiner) \\
                \ Prof.xxxxx  \\
                \ Mechanical and Process Engineering \\
                \ xxx University of applied Sciences \\
                \ Muensterstraße xx\\
                \  Duesseldorf \\}






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\fancyfoot[R]{ \thepage\ } 



    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node [anchor=south west,inner sep=0] at (current page header area.north west) 

\begin{document}%Opening Statement


            \textsc {\LARGE Master Thesis\\
            \ in\\
        \ M.Sc. Mechanical Enginnnering \\}


            \textsc{\LARGE Development of Method for FEA \\
                \ of the Trans-Confabulator \\}

            \textsc{\Large Sam Doe \\
            \ Matriculation Number 12345 \\}       
            Supervising Professor (First Examiner) \\
                \ Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. John Doe \\
                \ Mechanical and Process Engineering \\
                \ XYZ University of applied Sciences \\
                \ Muensterstraße 000 \\
                \ 40476 Duesseldorf \\
                \ Tel: xxx-xxxxx \\
            \ [email protected]}
\Longunderstack[l]{Second Examiner \\
        \ Ms. Jane Doe \\
    \ Construction Department \\
\ Blah forschungs und entwicklungs GmbH \\
\ Rebenring 00 \\
\ 38106 Braunschweig \\
\ Tel: xxx-xxxxxxx \\
\ [email protected]}

