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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\raggedright}Y{0.6} Y{1.2} Y{1.2} @{}}
\caption{Ontologies Comparison}\\

        Ontologies & Details & Limitations\\

        \textbf{ccsla}, \textbf{ccpricing}, \textbf{ccinstances}, \textbf{ccregions},\textbf{dmcc-schema}, \textbf{ccdm}.
            SLA, Price, VM instance feature and Region, Vendor. Data mining experiments parameters. 

            Schemas and data are online. Each schema has one or two examples modelling Services from Amazon. One exception is \textbf{ccdm} which has 6 examples of different ML experiments.
        \textbf{ccpricing} can not handle the complexity of most common price options, like cost of OS to be installed on the VM, network data transfer cost differed by destination and usage, snapshot storage costs and etc. \textbf{ccinstances} does not allow unit to be specified in data, has to be fixed for each property.
        Cloud Service Description Ontology (CSO)
            Cloud Price, VM instance feature and Region, Vendor.

            None of the schema, data or source code is accessible.
        Project resources link is no longer accessible.
        Formal ontology definition is not available, only top level topology is shown.
        Over simplified service definition, for example in the experiment "Network" is assigned a number between 0 and 100 without unit. How could this represent data transfer size and latency all together? It could be daily or yearly usage, without knowing destination, translate this to cost is impossible.
        mOSAIC project
            Actor/Consumer/Vendor, SLA, QoS, Functional/Non-Functional Property, Application Layer, Component.

            The OWL file is not available, no example. One picture shows InfrastructureSoftware and Computational class, but did not show their subclasses, without the OWL file or example, we could not tell the difference between these two classes. 
        This work focused on Cloud services negotiation (i.e. between costumers and providers) and composition (i.e. by an administrator). Their ontology is different in scope to our, i.e. it does not cover price.
        Only top level concepts are covered, for example QoS which is too broad, which would require us to defined out specific class any way. to be used
        OWL Ontology for the Lifecycle of IT Services in the Cloud
        This ontology models the steps involved in the phases of discovery, negotiation, composition, and consumption of Cloud services. The modelling of Cloud service features is very limited, and their link to an example of a storage service is no longer accessible.
            Actor/Consumer/Vendor, SLA, QoS, Functional/Non-Functional Property, Application Layer, Component.

            The OWL file is not available, no example.
        This work focused on Cloud services negotiation (i.e. between costumers and providers) and composition (i.e. by an administrator). Their ontology is different in scope to ours.
        Only top level concepts are covered, there is no class property



我已经尝试过Tabularx 和短标题导致错误

\caption[short caption]{long caption {\label{lit_review}}}





\usepackage{booktabs, ltablex}
\newcolumntype{R}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % <---

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}    >{\hsize=0.4\hsize}R % <---
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                                    >{\hsize=1.3\hsize}X % <---
\caption{My caption}
\label{my-label}                            \\
Ontology    &   Details &   Limitations     \\
\caption{My caption (cont.)}                \\
Ontology    &   Details &   Limitations     \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{continue on the next page}}\\
\textbf{ccsla}, \textbf{ccpricing}, \textbf{ccinstances}, \textbf{ccregions}, \textbf{dmcc-schema}, \textbf{ccdm}.
    &   Features:\quad
    SLA, Price, VM instance feature and Region, Vendor. Data mining experiments parameters.

    Schemas and data are online. Each schema has one or two examples modelling Services from Amazon. One exception is \textbf{ccdm} which has 6 examples of different ML experiments.
        \textbf{ccpricing} can not handle the complexity of most common price options, like cost of OS to be installed on the VM, network data transfer cost differed by destination and usage, snapshot storage costs and etc.

        \textbf{ccinstances} does not allow unit to be specified in data, has to be fixed for each property.
    \\  \midrule
Cloud Service Description Ontology (CSO)
    Cloud Price, VM instance feature and Region, Vendor.

    None of the schema, data or source code is accessible.
        Project resources link is no longer accessible.
        Formal ontology definition is not available, only top level topology is shown.

        Over simplified service definition, for example in the experiment "Network" is assigned a number between 0 and 100 without unit. How could this represent data transfer size and latency all together? It could be daily or yearly usage, without knowing destination, translate this to cost is impossible.
    \\  \midrule
mOSAIC project
    Actor/Consumer/Vendor, SLA, QoS, Functional/Non-Functional Property, Application Layer, Component.

    The OWL file is not available, no example. One picture shows InfrastructureSoftware and Computational class, but did not show their subclasses, without the OWL file or example, we could not tell the difference between these two classes.
        This work focused on Cloud services negotiation (i.e. between costumers and providers) and composition (i.e. by an administrator). Their ontology is different in scope to our, i.e. it does not cover price.

        Only top level concepts are covered, for example QoS which is too broad, which would require us to defined out specific class any way. to be used
    \\  \midrule
OWL Ontology for the Lifecycle of IT Services in the Cloud
    This ontology models the steps involved in the phases of discovery, negotiation, composition, and consumption of Cloud services. The modelling of Cloud service features is very limited, and their link to an example of a storage service is no longer accessible.

    Actor/Consumer/Vendor, SLA, QoS, Functional/Non-Functional Property, Application Layer, Component.

    The OWL file is not available, no example.
        This work focused on Cloud services negotiation (i.e. between costumers and providers) and composition (i.e. by an administrator). Their ontology is different in scope to ours.

        Only top level concepts are covered, there is no class property

上述之间的差异姆韦并且您的指示为% <---

