

我试图使用 tikz 来以图形方式说明迭代过程,但是当将它们放在一起时,图像的不同高度会导致标题变得不对齐,如下所示: 未对齐的字幕

不幸的是,没有办法在不改变图片内容比例的情况下改变 tikz 图片的高度(据我所知),并且导致对齐在底部会导致图片之间同一对象的分离:




            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
            \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (2,-3) -- (3,-3) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G_\varepsilon$}
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            %  Only clip things in here
                \clip circle (2.5);
                \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
                \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                    \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (0,-2) -- (1,-2) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G'_\varepsilon$}



\usepackage{caption, subcaption, floatrow}


            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5]
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
            \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (2,-3) -- (3,-3) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G_\varepsilon$}
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5]
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            % Only clip things in here
                \clip circle (2.5);
                \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
                \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                    \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (0,-2) -- (1,-2) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G'_\varepsilon$}


\floatsetup{valign=c, heightadjust = object}
\quad \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5]
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
            \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (2,-3) -- (3,-3) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        {\caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G_\varepsilon$}}
\hskip 48pt
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5]
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            % Only clip things in here
                \clip circle (2.5);
                \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
                \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                    \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (0,-2) -- (1,-2) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        {\caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G'_\varepsilon$}}




您可以将 分成tikzpictures两部分minipages,并使用subfigures作为标题。



            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
            \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (2,-3) -- (3,-3) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
    \end{minipage} \quad\quad
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            %  Only clip things in here
                \clip circle (2.5);
                \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
                \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                    \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (0,-2) -- (1,-2) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
              \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G_\varepsilon$}
       \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G'_\varepsilon$}






\begin{figure}[ht]% Do you really think ! does anything?
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
            \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (2,-3) -- (3,-3) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
    % save bounding box as global macros
            \path (current bounding box.south west);
            \path (current bounding box.north east);
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G_\varepsilon$}
            \path (\xleft,\ybottom) (\xright,\ytop);% set bounding box limits
            \draw [red, dashed, fill = red, fill opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle (2.5);
            \draw [blue!50!cyan, dashed, ultra thick, fill = blue!50!cyan, fill opacity = 0.5] 
                plot [smooth cycle, tension=1, domain=0:320, samples=18] (\x:{2+rand/2});

            %  Only clip things in here
                \clip circle (2.5);
                \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}
                \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}
                    \fill (\x,\y) circle (1pt);

            \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude = 5pt, mirror, raise = 3pt}] (0,-2) -- (1,-2) node [midway, below, yshift = -8pt] {$\varepsilon$};

            \node at (2.5, 1.6) {$B_y(R)$};
            \node at (.5, .5) {$A$};
        \caption{$A$ and $B_y(R)$ overlaid by $\mathcal G'_\varepsilon$}

