Abbreviation Percentage
A 70
S 35
C 0
R 0
E 0
I 0
Abbreviation, percentage
R, 0
I, 0
E, 0
A, 70
S, 35
C, 0
% read table data and sort
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma,columns={Abbreviation,percentage}]{topatributtes.csv}\datatableA
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key={percentage}, sort cmp=int >]{\datatablesorted}{\datatableA}
\tikzstyle{mypoligon} = [draw=none,regular polygon, rotate=-45,regular polygon sides=12]
\foreach \x/\y in {0.10625/a, 0.2125/b, 0.31875/c, 0.425/d, 0.53125/e, 0.6375/f, 0.74375/g}
\node[mypoligon,minimum size=\x\textwidth] (\y) at (0,0) {};
\foreach \pol in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}{
\foreach \n [remember=\n as \lastn (initially 11)] in {1, 3, ..., 11} {
\path[draw=diagramgray] (\pol.corner \lastn) -- (\pol.corner \n);
\draw[diagramgray] (g.corner 1) -- (0,0) -- (g.corner 11) (0,0) -- (g.corner 7) (g.corner 5) -- (0,0);
\draw[fill=blue] circle [radius=1mm] {};
% Draw abbreviation names in corners
\foreach \k/\a/\x/\y in {0/3/0/2, 1/1/2/2, 2/11/2/-1, 3/9/0/-2, 4/7/-2/-1, 5/5/-2/2}{
\draw (g.corner \a) node[xshift=\x mm,yshift=\y mm] (\pgfplotsretval) {\footnotesize \textbf{\pgfplotsretval}};
% Draw lines from center to percentage value - this goes always to the max
\draw (0,0) -- (g.corner \a) ;
\foreach \pol/\i in {a/10,b/20,c/30,d/40,e/50,f/60,g/70}{
\draw (\pol.corner 3) node[yshift=0.3]{\fontsize{6pt}{10pt}\selectfont \color{textdarkgray}\textsl{\i}};
我的问题是如何缩放蓝线以使其与表中的值匹配?问题是我有 8 个多边形(节点 ag),每个缩写的值范围可以从 0 到 70。使用 ifthen 命令会花很长时间。谢谢。
Abbreviation, percentage
R, 0
I, 0
E, 0
A, 70
S, 35
C, 0
% read table data and sort
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma,columns={Abbreviation,percentage}]{topatributtes.csv}\datatableA
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key={percentage}, sort cmp=int >]{\datatablesorted}{\datatableA}
\begin{tikzpicture}[mypoligon/.style={draw=none,regular polygon, rotate=-45,regular polygon
sides=12},polygrid distance/.initial=8pt] %<- controls the distance
% draw the grid based on the number of rows
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Percentage using {int(\X*10)}] in {1,...,10}
{\node[draw,diagramgray,regular polygon,regular polygon
sides=\TotalRows,inner sep=\X*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/polygrid distance},
rotate=90-720/\TotalRows,xscale=-1] (P-\X){}
node[text=textdarkgray] at (P-\X.corner 1)
% add the labels and set the bullets
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Xplus using {int(\X+1)}] in {0,...,\RowsInTable}{
\draw[diagramgray] (0,0) -- (P-10.corner \Xplus) node[pos=1.1,black] {\pgfplotsretval};
\node [circle,fill=hashc,inner sep=1pt] (Q-\X) at ({90-\X*360/\TotalRows}:{\pgfplotsretval*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/polygrid distance}/10}) {};
% draw the contour
\draw[thick,hashc,fill=hashc,fill opacity=0.3]
plot[variable=\x,samples at={0,...,\RowsInTable}] (Q-\x) -- cycle;