Theorem 无法转到多行,导致文本超出页面范围

Theorem 无法转到多行,导致文本超出页面范围


where G(x) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.  


首先,我不会将字符串放在where G(x) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.显示的方程式中。其次,里面不能有换行符\[ ... \]。如果您需要创建多行显示的方程式,请使用包提供的合适环境amsmath,例如aligngathermultline



Bla bla bla \dots
where $G(x)$ is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.  


如果您确实希望“其中 G(x) 是加泰罗尼亚数序列的生成函数”短语属于该方程,这会影响方程和该短语之间的垂直间距/垂直间隙的大小,那么您可以例如使用 -gathersplit-环境:

This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
\text{where \(G(x)\) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.}%
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
&\text{where \(G(x)\) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.}%
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.



This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
  where \(G(x)\) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.%
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.


使用\parshapeinside minipage,你可以实现更有趣的事情:

This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
    \parshape 3 0cm 1.9cm 0cm 1.9cm -5.2cm 7.1cm
    where \(G(x)\) is the generating function for the catalan number sequence.%
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.
This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem. This is a theorem.

