带有 acmart latex 格式长方程的 longtable

带有 acmart latex 格式长方程的 longtable

我发现很难用 acmart 格式制作包含长方程的长表


           \normalfont B\kern-0.5em{\scshape i\kern-0.25em b}\kern- 

      %% Rights management information.  This information is sent to you
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       %% These commands are for a JOURNAL article.

          %% Submission ID.
           %% Use this when submitting an article to a sponsored event. 

       %% You'll receive a unique submission ID from the organizers
       %% of the event and this ID should be used as the parameter to this command.

       %% The majority of ACM publications use numbered citations and
     %% references.  The command \citestyle{authoryear} switches to the
      %% "author year" style.
    %% If you are preparing content for an event
       %% sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, you must use the "author year" style of
        %% citations and references.
       %% Uncommenting
    %% the next command will enable that style.

     %% end of the preamble, start of the body of the document source.

             % \lipsum[1-3]         % dummy text
   \caption{Different Types of Activation Functions}
   \setlist[itemize]{  nosep,           % <-- itemize setup
                leftmargin = *,
                before     = \vspace{-.6\baselineskip},
                after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
        \makegapedcells   % for additional vertical space around cells' 
      \setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth, height=12mm} % all images will have 
        width of cell's width
 \footnotesize            % for better fit text into cells
      \thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}        & \thead{Equation}
            &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}    \\
   \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
       & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
        & \begin{itemize}
     \item Hard variant of Elish
          \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
    \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
      &  good \\
        \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
         & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
     & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
       f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
   (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
       & \begin{itemize}
       \item Hard variant of Elish
       \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
        \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
       & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
       & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
    f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
       & \begin{itemize}
        \item Hard variant of Elish
         \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
          \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
         &  good \\
        \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
         & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included equation
       f{x} = \begin{cases}
          x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
       & \begin{itemize}
      \item Hard variant of Elish
     \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
           \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
          &  good \\
     \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
      & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
       & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
      f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
 (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
     & \begin{itemize}
  \item Hard variant of Elish
      \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
     \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
   & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
      & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
     & \begin{itemize}
      \item Hard variant of Elish
    \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
  \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
       & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
    & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included equation
f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
    & \begin{itemize}
     \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
           \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
       & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
         & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
     & \begin{itemize}
       \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
     \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
      \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
      & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
         & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
   f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
    (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
            & \begin{itemize}
     \item Hard variant of Elish
      \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
       \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
  &  good \\
           \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
            & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
    & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
f{x} = \begin{cases}
    x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
(e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
        & \begin{itemize}
      \item Hard variant of Elish
           \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
          \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
   &  good \\
          \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
      & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
           & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included equation
      f{x} = \begin{cases}
             x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
       (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
         & \begin{itemize}
       \item Hard variant of Elish
       \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
        &  good \\

          % manually split table
         \caption{Different Types of Activation Functions (cont.)}
         \setlist[itemize]{  nosep,           % <-- itemize setup
                leftmargin = *,
                before     = \vspace{-.6\baselineskip},
                % after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
          \makegapedcells   % for additional vertical space around cells' 
      \setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth, height=12mm} % all images will have width 
             of cell's width
         \footnotesize            % for better fit text into cells
      \thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}        & \thead{Equation}
            &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}    \\
       \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
     & \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
          & \raisebox{-4ex}{ $       % need to be set according to included 
      f(x) = \begin{cases}
               x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))     &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
      (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2}))) &\text{ if }x< 0
        \end{cases}         $}
       & \begin{itemize}
  \item Hard variant of Elish
    \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
     \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
    &  good \\
% \lipsum\lipsum    % dummy text



  • 抱歉,我安装的文档类有一些问题acmart。所以我无法在我的电脑上测试它是如何工作的
  • 在 overleaf 中我看到,[acmsmall]{acmart}生成一列文档。但是,我对此并不确定,所以请检查我的观察是否正确。
  • 如果它生成一列文档,你可以使用longtable
  • 我纠正了你的 MWE。它应该如下:

    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
    \usepackage{makecell, tabularx}
    \setlist[itemize]{nosep,           % <-- itemize setup
                      leftmargin = *,
                      before     = \vspace{-\baselineskip},
                      after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
        \lipsum[1]                              % dummy text
    \caption{Different Types of Activation Functions}
    \makegapedcells                             % for additional vertical space around cells' contents
    \setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth,height=12mm} % all images will have width of cell's width
        \footnotesize                           % for better fit text into cells
    \thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}    & \thead{Equation}
            &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}        \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                &  good                                             \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &  good
                &   \begin{itemize}
                \item Hard variant of Elish
                \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
                \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                    \end{itemize}                   \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                &  good                                             \\
    % manually split table
    \caption{Different Types of Activation Functions (cont.)}
    \makegapedcells                             % for additional vertical space around cells' contents
    \setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth,height=12mm} % all images will have width of cell's width
        \footnotesize                           % for better fit text into cells
    \thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}    & \thead{Equation}
            &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}        \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                &  good                                             \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &  good
                &   \begin{itemize}
                \item Hard variant of Elish
                \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
                \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                    \end{itemize}                   \\
    \textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
        &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
            &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
              f{x} = \begin{cases}
            x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
            (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                &  good                                             \\
    \lipsum\lipsum    % dummy text

请在 MWE 上测试并告诉我们您的问题实际上是什么。另外,如果您的文档只有一列,请告知我们。在这种情况下,可以使用例如和包ltablex的组合。longtabletabularx


附录: 万一你真的需要长桌子,而且你有一列文档,然后尝试,如果以下内容给出了您想要的内容:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
            ltablex}    % new

\usepackage{lipsum}                         % for dummy text
    \lipsum[1-3]                            % dummy text
\setlist[itemize]{nosep,           % <-- itemize setup
                  leftmargin = *,
                  before     = \vspace{-.6\baselineskip},
                  after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
\makegapedcells                             % for additional vertical space around cells' contents
\setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth,height=12mm} % all images will have width of cell's width
    \footnotesize                           % for better fit text into cells
\caption{Different Types of Activation Functions}
   \label{tab:long}                                             \\
\thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}    & \thead{Equation}
        &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}        \\
\caption{Different Types of Activation Functions (cont)}        \\
\thead{Activation}  & \thead{Figure}    & \thead{Equation}
        &  \thead{Advantages}    & \thead{Disadvantages}        \\
\multicolumn{5}{r}{\textit{continued on the next page}}
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &   \begin{itemize}
        \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
            &  good                                             \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &  good
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                \end{itemize}                   \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &   \begin{itemize}
        \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
            &  good                                             \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &   \begin{itemize}
        \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
            &  good                                             \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &  good
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                \end{itemize}                   \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &   \begin{itemize}
        \item Hard variant of Elish
        \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
        \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
            &  good                                             \\
\textbf{Hard Elish}\cite{elish} 2018
    &   \includegraphics[valign=t]{hardelish.jpg}
        &   \raisebox{-4ex}{$       % need to be set according to included equation
          f{x} = \begin{cases}
        x\max(0,\min(1,(\frac{x+1}{2})))        &\text{ if }x\geqslant 0 \\
        (e^{x}-1)\max(0,\min(1,\frac{x+1}{2}))  &\text{ if }x< 0
        &  good
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Hard variant of Elish
            \item Product of Hard Sigmoid and Elu in negative part
            \item Linear and hard sigmoid in positive part
                \end{itemize}                   \\


