我正在用 tikz 定性地绘制平行板电容器边缘附近弯曲的场线。代码是:
\usetikzlibrary {positioning}
\usetikzlibrary{calc,fadings,decorations.pathreplacing, arrows}
\begin {tikzpicture}[thick, scale=0.9, every node/.style={transform
shape}, decoration={
markings, mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{latex}}}]
% top plate
\filldraw[opacity=0.2] (0, 0) -- (\Lx, 0) -- (\Lx, \dy) -- (0, \dy);
\draw (\Lx/2, \hh+2.*\dy) node[] {$\bm -Q$};
% bottom plate
\filldraw[opacity=0.2] (0, \hh) -- (\Lx, \hh) -- (\Lx, \hh+\dy) -- (0, \hh+\dy);
\draw (\Lx/2, -\dy) node[] {$\bm +Q$};
% left curved lines
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi, \dy) node[below= -0.14, red] {$\bm +$} to
[bend left=15] (\xi, \hh) node[above=-0.24, blue] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, \dy) .. controls (-\dx, {0.35*(\hh+\dy)}) and (-\dx,{0.65*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, 0.7*\dy) .. controls (-3*\dx, {0.1*(\hh+\dy)})
and (-3*\dx,{0.9*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh+0.3*\dy);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, 0.2*\dy) .. controls (-6*\dx, {0.0*(\hh+\dy)})
and (-6*\dx,{(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh+0.8*\dy);
% Middle lines
\foreach \nL in {1, 2, ..., 8}{
\draw[red] (\xi+\nL*\dx, 0.65*\dy) node[] {$\bm +$};
\draw[blue] (\xi+\nL*\dx, \hh+0.1*\dy) node[] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi+\nL*\dx, \dy) --++ (0, \hh-\dy);
% right curved lines
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi+9*\dx, \dy) node[below= -0.14, red] {$\bm +$}
to [bend right=15] (\xi+9*\dx, \hh) node[above=-0.24, blue] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, \dy) .. controls (\Lx+\dx, {0.35*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+\dx,{0.65*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, 0.7*\dy) .. controls (\Lx+3*\dx,
{0.1*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+3*\dx,{0.90*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh+0.3*\dy);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, 0.2*\dy) .. controls (\Lx+6*\dx,
{0.0*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+6*\dx,{(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh+0.8*\dy);
欢迎使用 TeX-SE!问题是您将直箭头连接到曲线。因此第一步是弯曲箭头。但是装饰无法预先知道给定点的曲率,这可以修复通过记录路径上的一些坐标,然后通过这些坐标画出弯曲的箭头。
\usetikzlibrary{calc,fadings,decorations.pathreplacing, arrows.meta,bending}
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/430239/121799
\tikzset{% inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/316050/121799
arc arrow/.style args={%
to pos #1 with length #2}{
mark=at position 0 with {\pgfextra{%
mark=at position {#1-\tmpArrowTime} with {\coordinate(@1);},
mark=at position {#1-2*\tmpArrowTime/3} with {\coordinate(@2);},
mark=at position {#1-\tmpArrowTime/3} with {\coordinate(@3);},
mark=at position {#1} with {\coordinate(@4);
(@1) .. controls (@2) and (@3) .. (@4);},
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick, scale=0.9, every node/.style={transform
shape}, arc arrow=to pos 0.525 with length 2mm]
% top plate
\filldraw[opacity=0.2] (0, 0) -- (\Lx, 0) -- (\Lx, \dy) -- (0, \dy);
\draw (\Lx/2, \hh+2.*\dy) node[] {$\bm -Q$};
% bottom plate
\filldraw[opacity=0.2] (0, \hh) -- (\Lx, \hh) -- (\Lx, \hh+\dy) -- (0, \hh+\dy);
\draw (\Lx/2, -\dy) node[] {$\bm +Q$};
% left curved lines
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi, \dy) node[below= -0.14, red] {$\bm +$} to
[bend left=15] (\xi, \hh) node[above=-0.24, blue] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, \dy) .. controls (-\dx, {0.35*(\hh+\dy)}) and (-\dx,{0.65*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, 0.7*\dy) .. controls (-3*\dx, {0.1*(\hh+\dy)})
and (-3*\dx,{0.9*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh+0.3*\dy);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (0, 0.2*\dy) .. controls (-6*\dx, {0.0*(\hh+\dy)})
and (-6*\dx,{(\hh+\dy)}) .. (0, \hh+0.8*\dy);
% Middle lines
\foreach \nL in {1, 2, ..., 8}{
\draw[red] (\xi+\nL*\dx, 0.65*\dy) node[] {$\bm +$};
\draw[blue] (\xi+\nL*\dx, \hh+0.1*\dy) node[] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi+\nL*\dx, \dy) --++ (0, \hh-\dy);
% right curved lines
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\xi+9*\dx, \dy) node[below= -0.14, red] {$\bm +$}
to [bend right=15] (\xi+9*\dx, \hh) node[above=-0.24, blue] {$\bm -$};
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, \dy) .. controls (\Lx+\dx, {0.35*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+\dx,{0.65*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, 0.7*\dy) .. controls (\Lx+3*\dx,
{0.1*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+3*\dx,{0.90*(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh+0.3*\dy);
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (\Lx, 0.2*\dy) .. controls (\Lx+6*\dx,
{0.0*(\hh+\dy)}) and (\Lx+6*\dx,{(\hh+\dy)}) .. (\Lx, \hh+0.8*\dy);